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Office 365

Microsoft Office 365 gives students at Molde University College free access to word processing, storage and interaction services on both web, desktop, tablet and mobile. Here you will find, among other things, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote for download and use in the browser.

Sign in to Office 365

Increase your safety with two factor authentication

Install Office 365 - Mac

Install Office 365 - PC

Office 365 includes these services

  • Microsoft Office software for your own device. This includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote etc. for PC and Mac.
  • Access to OneDrive with unlimited storage.
  • Online access to Office software is available from any device via a web browser.
  • Apps for mobile devices

Read more about the OneDrive service

 Remember the following:

  • Data is stored in Office 365 OneDrive in the cloud. Read about Microsofts security and privacy policy
  • The university college's IT regulations apply to the use of the services when connecting through a user account allocated from the university college.
  • Storing data in OneDrive entails transport and storage of data outside Norway. Personal information in accordance with the Personal Data Act with regulations, health data or security-graded data must therefore NOT be stored in or shared through OneDrive.
By Jostein Hestad
Published Aug. 3, 2020 10:18 AM - Last modified Jan. 26, 2022 4:14 PM