Erasmus Policy Statement

Molde University College – Specialized University in Logistics (HiM) aims to achieve excellence in teaching and research, and at the same time maintain a responsibility towards important aspects of the community like democracy, welfare and ethics.

The international aspect is a natural and important part of all activities that take place at HiM. Work within the field of internationalisation shall be carried out in consistency with HiM's official Strategy Plan and the Action Plan for Internalisation. The Bologna Principles is an integrated part of these strategies, and the Erasmus program continues to be essential for the institution's internationalisation strategy and process.

Key objectives within the field of internationalisation at HiM:

  • To a greater extent facilitate increased mobility within all academic fields for students and staff
  • Improve the imbalance between numbers of outgoing and incoming exchange students
  • Continue to provide updated and relevant information and offer personalized assistance to students and staff wishing to partake in mobility activities
  • Expand the number of international programs
  • Strengthen and intensify the cooperation between education, research and business
  • Raise HiM’s international profile through international recruitment and partnerships
  • Focus on awareness-raising processes to promote internationalisation at all levels of the institution
  • Respect and promote the principles set out in the Bologna Declaration and the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education

HiM strives to establish and reinforce long-term high quality collaborations with institutions that have compatible or complementary strategies. The selection of partners is based upon the quality of the institutions study programs and research, and whether it holds a prominent position in Europe or internationally within the field in question. Furthermore, when HiM initiates new partnerships they are often linked to one of the prioritized fields mentioned in the Official Strategy Plan of HiM: Logistics, Sport, Event Management and Health Science.

New inter-institutional agreements are also initiated through existing academic links. In these cases, as well as when HiM is approached by a new institution where there has been no previous connection, the potential partner is evaluated by the Dean and the Program Managers. As mentioned earlier, this evaluation is based on the quality and relevance of the institution. If the potential partner also has a compatible strategy, there is usually a preparatory visit to build understanding and agree on practical matters. If this is successful, responsibilities are divided and an inter-institutional agreement is signed.

In cases of traineeships the Unit of External Affair (UEA) is involved as they tend to private contacts. All inter-institutional agreements are approved and in this way finalized by the rector of HiM.

One of the main goals of mobility activities at HiM is to ensure that there is a relevant and high quality offer available for outgoing students. As a result the geographic area for cooperation is subordinated to that of quality. Regardless of this, the Action Plan for Internationalisation states that it is an aim to increase and improve partnerships in Europe. HiM believes this will result in an increase number of outgoing students to European partners, and at the same time stimulate to a greater flow of incoming students from the continent. The main reason for this goal is to ensure that the international student population at HiM represents all continents, and in this way contribute to a diverse social- and learning environment.

All enrolled students at HiM have the possibility to go on an exchange period abroad regardless of cycle. The Action plan for Internationalisation shows that it is an aim to facilitate exchange for at least 10% of the student body, and this should be as equally distributed amongst first, second and third cycle students as possible. The main focus is still on student mobility for studies abroad, as placement still only is an option for students in three of the degree programs offered at the institution. On the basis that all Erasmus-partnerships are built on principles of reciprocity and equality, HiM strives to facilitate an equal distribution between the number of incoming and outgoing students in accordance with their cycle of studies.

Currently HiM does not participate in the development of double, multiple or joint degrees. Nevertheless, this is a possible and desirable option that regularly is discussed. HiM wants to be an active part in initiatives taken by our partner institutions as well as participating in developing new double or joint degrees.

HiM does not currently intend to participate in any cooperation project under this programme, as it is not a part of the institutions internationalisation and modernization strategy.

Although this is the case at the present, the strategy of HiM is ever evolving and participation in cooperation projects will be considered within the duration of the programme.

HiM aims to contribute to increase the number of higher education graduates by offering high quality study programmes that are attractive for students and at the same time meet the needs of the current and emerging labour markets. The positive impacts of participating in the Erasmus program are numerous.

First, it enables and facilitates student exchange. This benefits the participating students by equipping them with additional professional, social and intercultural skills. At the same time, incoming exchange students enhance the learning environment at the institution by introducing their peers to different perspectives.

Furthermore, the opportunity to participate in teacher mobility improves the quality and relevance of teaching and research. Mobility facilitates the exchange of knowledge and pedagogical expertise between partner institutions. This enriches learning experience for our students through a global perspective to the curriculum, which in turn is seen as necessary to succeed in high-skill occupations which increasingly have an international focus.

Linking higher education, research and business is one of HiM's main strategies, and various actions are taken to enhance this link. First, the institution is a shareholder in Møreforskning Molde. This is a research company that emphasizes regional development. At HiM there is a council which focuses on the cooperation with regional industry. The aim is to map the demands in the labor market and thus be able to adjust courses offered. Further, the UEA has a close connection to the regional and national business environment, and as such they offer customized courses based on demand. UEA is also engaged in placement periods for students nationally and internationally.

Overall, HiM can be seen as an active part of the regional knowledge triangle and this benefits students by offering them education that is adapted to the needs of the labor market. The connection to the program within this field is quite new, but in the foreseeable future this might advantage incoming students, as well as offer interesting cross-border cooperation with partner institutions within the intersection of education, research and business.

As most Norwegian higher education institutions, HiM does not charge tuition fees, and it's mainly government funded. At the same time, the institution always strives to expand and because of this additional sources of funding are sought after. Supplementary public funding is received through participating in larger national programmes like the Quota Scheme (Capacity Building), while funding from private organisations in the region often is donated as gifts. In the same way, the Erasmus Programme is a positive contribution as it offers scholarships that enables mobility for students and staff on a more frequent basis.

To conclude the Erasmus programme enhances HiM's strategies and goals for internationalisation and modernization by offering a streamlined process for mobility.

Publisert 18. jan. 2019 08:52 - Sist endret 18. jan. 2019 10:24