Handling Complaints about Grades

Explanation of grades

Requests of explanation of grades must be submitted within one week after the grade has been announced. 

Contact the course instructor/internal censor or send the request to:

Molde University College, P.O.Box 2110, NO-6402 Molde, or by email to post@hiMolde.no

If you send a written request, remember to state: Course code and course name, name lecturer, your candidate number, telephone number and e-mail address.

Procedure for complaints

The candidate must submit a written complaint within three weeks after the examination results is published, or after the explanation of the grade is been given.   

A complaint must be submitted on Molde University Colleges complaint form.

Students, who makes a complaint after the diploma is awarded, must hand in the original diploma and transcripts of records together with the complaint.


When the College receives a complaint about a grade, information about handling the case will be sent to the candidate.  

A complaint commission will be appointed and it consists of two new censors. One will be an external censor.  

When the deadline for complaints has passed, the case will be sent to the new commission, together with the following enclosures:

The commission has three weeks to submit a new evaluation.  If the grade after the appeal is changed with two or more grades, a new assessment will be made to set the final grade. The assessment should involve all the previous examiners, who together award a final grade. All relevant documentation should be available for this final assessment. The candidate will receive the final result in writing. The decision is final and cannot be appealed. 

Send the complaint to Molde University College, P.O.Box 2110, NO-6402 Molde, or by email to post@himolde.no You may also hand it in at the Studentservice.



Complaint regarding grades awarded - right to explanations

Publisert 7. mai 2020 10:57 - Sist endret 21. juni 2024 13:46