Miniseminar i logistikk og digitalisering

Miniseminar i logistikk og digitalisering høsten 2020

Våre masterstudier i logistikk er nasjonalt og  internasjonalt anerkjent, med stor søkning, høy gjennomføringsgrad og etterspurte kandidater. Én av suksessfaktorene er seminarrekken som tilbys i andre studieår, hvor topp internasjonale forskere holder intensive ukeskurs, med avsluttende eksamener.   Vi ønsker å dele denne kompetansen med næringslivet og tilbyr  fire 3-timers miniseminar med topp internasjonale fagfolk innen logistikk og digitalisering


Hvert seminar er på tre timer og koster kr. 500.
Melder du deg på alle fire seminarene betaler du en pakkepris på kr. 1500.

Digital Service Design

Date: 23 September
Lecturer: Professor Alessio Malizia

This seminar will give an overview of digital methodologies, approaches and skills required to be able to select and apply the most appropriate method for any given digital design project or challenge to improve the end user experience.

Service Industry Logistics

Date: 8 October
Lecturer: Assistant Professor Ana Lucia Martins

 The adoption of lean and/or agile strategies in the service supply chains can lead to least expensive, faster and more flexible provision of services. The nature of the transition between these strategies in the service supply chains and the actions required to become leaner or more agile in specific processes and areas of the SC are key challenges service operations managers face.

Analytics and the Digital in Supply Chain

Date: 14 October
Lecturer: Managing director Frode Huse Gjendem

Companies and organizations are these days exposed and challenges on how to use Big Data, Data Visualization, Analytics and Machine Learning. This affects the dimensions of Intelligence (decision-making) and Automation (towards artificial intelligence).

This seminar will highlight how companies can implement such capabilities organizationally and elaborate the how the new capabilities provides solutions to challenges as well as open up for new opportunities for business and organizations.

Last Mile Delivery - Data Analytics and Models

Date: 28 October
Lecturer: Professor Jaume Barcelo

Last mile delivery of goods from e.g. e-commerce constitutes one of the more complex stages of the whole chain and accounts for a significant fraction of its total cost. Its complexity is a consequence of specific conditions connected with urban environments and the interaction between the implied shippers, carriers, administration and residents, as well as demand patterns and consolidation possibilities.