Fakta om emnet

Ansvarlig avdeling:
Avdeling for økonomi og samfunnsvitenskap
½ år

IDR250 Spiller- og arrangementslogistikk (Vår 2021)

Om emnet

The course provides the fundamentals of Logistics and Supply Chain Management (SCM) within the context of sports:

  • Logistics:

    • Historical underpinnings of logistics

    • Inbound logistics

    • Outbound logistics

    • Value Chain Management

  • Supply Chain Management:

    • Historical underpinnings of SCM

    • Different perspectives of SCM

    • SCM practices

    • SCM strategies

    • Service supply chains

Emnet er tilknyttet følgende studieprogram

Studentens læringsutbytte etter bestått emne

Throughout the course, students will learn foundations and techniques of logistics and SCM within the field of Sport Management. Based on these insights, students are expected to demonstrate knowledge of (among others):

  • the fundamentals of logistics and SCM

  • the benefits and challenges of logistics and SCM within sports

  • the different supply chains of sport

  • key production elements for various sport supplies and deliveries

  • the importance of SCM in the delivery of different products and services of sports

  • the different logistic- and SCM activities at different levels, including intra-firm, dyadic, chain and network

Undervisnings- og læringsformer

Courseworks given: 2 (one group assignment (20% of final grade) and one individual assignment (20% of final grade)).

Courseworks required: 2

Presence: required

Comment: 75% presence and a “pass” of both coursework is required to qualify for final exam.

Final exam 60% of final grade.

The course contributes to the overall learning thread of teamwork that is further elaborated in the Sport Management bachelor programme description.




Arbeidskrav - vilkår for å avlegge eksamen

  • Obligatorisk arbeidskrav: Oppmøte til undervisning

  • Antall arbeidskrav:

  • Påkrevde arbeidskrav:

  • Fremmøte: Påkrevd

  • Kommentar: Det kreves minimum 75% oppmøte til undervisning

  • Obligatorisk arbeidskrav: Oppgave(r)

  • Antall arbeidskrav: 2

  • Påkrevde arbeidskrav: 2

  • Fremmøte: Påkrevd

  • Kommentar: One group assignment (20%) and one individual (20%)


  • Vurderingsform: Hjemmeeksamen

  • Andel: 20%

  • Varighet: 2 Uker

  • Gruppering: Individuell

  • Karakterskala: Bokstavkarakter

  • Hjelpemidler: Alle trykte og skrevne hjelpemidler

  • Vurderingsform: Hjemmeeksamen

  • Andel: 20%

  • Varighet: 2 Uker

  • Gruppering: Gruppe

  • Karakterskala: Bokstavkarakter

  • Hjelpemidler: Alle trykte og skrevne hjelpemidler

  • Vurderingsform: Skriftlig skoleeksamen

  • Andel: 60%

  • Varighet: 4 Timer

  • Gruppering: Individuell

  • Karakterskala: Bokstavkarakter

  • Hjelpemidler: Kun generell ordbok morsmål/norsk/engelsk i papirformat

Evaluering av emnet

Form of assessment: Written school assessment

Proportion: 60%

Duration: 4 Hours

Grouping: Individual

Grading scale: Letter (A - F)

Support material: Only general dictionary in mother tongue/Norwegian/English in paper version

Form of assessment: Home assessment

Proportion: 40% (one group assignement (20%) and one individual assignment (20%)

Grading scale: Letter (A - F)

Support material: All printed and written supporting material


Compendium of chosen chapters and articles. 

Sist hentet fra Felles Studentsystem (FS) 16. juli 2024 04:36:14