Fakta om emnet

Ansvarlig avdeling:
Avdeling for logistikk
Tom Rye
½ år

TRA725 Transport Policy and Regulation (Høst 2021)

Om emnet

About the course
The course focuses on transport policy and regulation, mostly in developed economies, but with
some limited reference to changes in emerging economies.
Students are introduced to:
• The development of transport policies over the last 50 years
• Current key policy documents and regulations in the transport sector
• Policy needs, externalities, and policy instruments
• Regulation-de-regulation of the sector and market structures
• The policy making process, including institutions and governance
• Key theories and concepts related to the above points


Emnet er tilknyttet følgende studieprogram

Anbefalte forkunnskaper

As for admission to master in Sustainable Transport and Urban Mobility.

Studentens læringsutbytte etter bestått emne

The student's learning outcomes after completing the course
The students will be able to:
• Describe the characteristics of infrastructure and transport provision in the context of trends
over the last 50 years.
• Describe and understand the reasons for governance, regulatory and market structures in the
transport sector.
• Understand and critically discuss policy objectives, policy instruments and market structures in
the transport sector
• Understand and critically discuss transport policy making on different government levels,
including reasons for successful policy implementation, and policy failure
• Apply central concepts and theories related to transport policy
• The students will develop skills to analyze policy proposals and advocate for their preferred
options for issues on the public policy agenda

Undervisnings- og læringsformer

There will be a combination of regular lectures, discussion- and problem based group work and
student presentations, which will require the students to actively contribute to their own learning.
Both formative and summative learning methods will be used, plus there will be periodic
opportunities for students to reflect on their learning and feed this back to the course team.

Arbeidskrav - vilkår for å avlegge eksamen

  • Obligatorisk arbeidskrav: Oppgave(r)
  • Antall arbeidskrav: 2
  • Påkrevde arbeidskrav: 2
  • Fremmøte: Ikke påkrevd
  • Kommentar: This is a new course and final decision on number of assignment will be decided beforethe course starts. Either one or two course assignments will be required. The assessment outcomewill be a pass or fail. Failure to deliver the assignment(s) complete and on time will mean that thestudent(s) in question will not be allowed to complete the final exam.


  • Vurderingsform: Skriftlig skoleeksamen
  • Andel: %
  • Varighet: 5 Timer
  • Gruppering: Individuell
  • Karakterskala: Bokstavkarakter
  • Hjelpemidler: Kun generell ordbok morsmål/norsk/engelsk i papirformat


Sist hentet fra Felles Studentsystem (FS) 16. juli 2024 04:34:47