Solveig Straume

Avdeling for økonomi og samfunnsvitenskap
Bilde av Solveig Straume
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Solveig Straume er førstemanuensis i Sport Management.

Hun disputerte for doktorgraden i Idrettshistorie fra Norges idrettshøgskole (2013) med avhandlingen "'Sport for All' in new settings: a study of the Norwegian Confederation of Sports' Sport for All projects in Tanzania in the 1980s and Zimbabwe in the 1990s".

Forskningsinteresser og veiledning

  • Sport for Development and Peace (Idrett og bistand)
  • Idrett og inkludering
  • Idrettspolicy og politikk
  • Idrett og kjønn
  • Idrettshistorie
  • Urban utvikling og idrett
  • Duale karrierer
  • Bærekraft

Pågående forskningsprosjekter:

Avsluttede forskningsprosjekter:

  • ERASMUS+, ELCAMP (Sport Entrepreneur Bootcamp for Athletes) Project HiMolde er partneristitusjon, Straume var HiMoldes prosjektleder
  • ERASMUS+, GETZ project. HiMolde er partneristitusjon, Straume var HiMoldes prosjektleder
  • Idrett og inkluderingsprosjekt - På oppdrag av Norges Fotballforbund. Gjennomført i samarbeid med Møreforsking Molde. Straume var prosjektleder.


  • Herskedal, Kjell Marius & Straume, Solveig (2023). Idrettsklubbers beredskap i krisetid. I Dille, Therese; Kristiansen, Elsa & Boe, Ole (Red.), Eventer i en beredskapskontekst. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 978-82-15-05463-6. s. 69–86. doi: 10.18261/9788215054599-23-05.
  • Wilhelmsen, Terese & Straume, Solveig (2023). Idrettsbistand og frivillighet i et (ut)danningsperspektiv, Bevegelsesfellesskap i oppveksten : kritiske perspektiver på inkludering og mangfold. Fagbokforlaget. ISSN 9788245041415. s. 326–346. doi: 10.55669/oa230117.
  • Straume, Solveig (2022). Sport for development and peace funding in a post-pandemic world. I McSweeney, Mitchell; Svensson, Per; Hayhurst, Lyndsay & Safai, Parissa (Red.), Social innovation, entrepreneurship, and sport for development and peace . Routledge. ISSN 9781032044446. s. 175–188. doi: 10.4324/9781003212744-19.
  • Hogset, Heidi; Alteren, Johanne; Jæger, Bjørn & Straume, Solveig (2022). Det vanskelige bærekraftsbegrepet. I Hogset, Heidi; Alteren, Johanne; Jæger, Bjørn & Straume, Solveig (Red.), Bærekraft : Fjordantologien 2022. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 978-82-15-06293-8. s. 13–25. doi: 10.18261/9788215062938-2022-01. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Schaillée, Hebe; Derom, Inge; Solenes, Oskar; Straume, Solveig; Burgess, Beth & Jones, Vanessa [Vis alle 7 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2021). Gender inequality in sport : perceptions and experiences of generation Z. Sport, Education and Society. ISSN 1357-3322. 26(9), s. 1011–1025. doi: 10.1080/13573322.2021.1932454.
  • Hansson, Lisa & Straume, Solveig (2021). Jentebevisst byplanlegging – aktivitet, inkludering og trygghet i byrommet. I Longvanes, Leif Jostein; Bjørhusdal, Eli; Fossøy, Joar; Sekkingstad, Dorthea & Årethun, Torbjørn (Red.), Stadutvikling : Fjordantologien 2021 . Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 9788215053349. s. 46–65. doi: 10.18261/9788215053349-2021-03. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Straume, Solveig (2019). SDP structures, policies and funding streams. I Collison, Holly; Darnell, Simon C.; Giulianotti, Richard & Howe, P. David (Red.), Routledge handbook of sport for development and peace. Routledge. ISSN 978-1-138-21048-6. s. 46–58. doi: 10.4324/9781315455174-5.
  • Straume, Solveig (2017). Reflections from a hybrid scholar. International Journal of the History of Sport. ISSN 0952-3367. 34(5/6), s. 447–450. doi: 10.1080/09523367.2017.1343818.
  • Dolles, Harald; Gammelsæter, Hallgeir; Solenes, Oskar & Straume, Solveig (2016). The Janus-faced relationship value of professional sports clubs : a study of Molde Football Club, Norway. Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum. ISSN 2000-088X. 7, s. 47–61. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Straume, Solveig & Massao, Prisca Bruno (2016). Participants’ views of the potential of international youth football tournaments for development in the Global South. Sport in Society: Cultures, Commerce, Media, Politics. ISSN 1743-0437. 19(10), s. 1635–1651. doi: 10.1080/17430437.2016.1159198.
  • Hasselgård, Anders & Straume, Solveig (2015). Sport for development and peace policy discourse and local practice: Norwegian sport for development and peace to Zimbabwe. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics. ISSN 1940-6940. 7(1), s. 87–103. doi: 10.1080/19406940.2014.890635.
  • Straume, Solveig & Hasselgård, Anders (2014). ‘They need to get the feeling that these are their ideas’: trusteeship in Norwegian Sport for Development and Peace to Zimbabwe. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics. ISSN 1940-6940. 6(1), s. 1–18. doi: 10.1080/19406940.2013.813866.
  • Straume, Solveig & Steen-Johnsen, Kari (2012). On the terms of the recipient? Norwegian sports development aid to Tanzania in the 1980s. International Review for the Sociology of Sport. ISSN 1012-6902. 47(1), s. 95–112. doi: 10.1177/1012690210388454.
  • Straume, Solveig (2012). Norwegian Naivety Meets Tanzanian Reality: The Case of the Norwegian Sports Development Aid Programme, Sport for All, in Dar es Salaam in the 1980s. International Journal of the History of Sport. ISSN 0952-3367. 29(11), s. 1577–1599. doi: 10.1080/09523367.2012.702107.
  • Hasselgård, Anders & Straume, Solveig (2011). Utvikling til idrett eller idrett til utvikling : NIF som idrettsbistandsaktør. I Hanstad, Dag Vidar; Breivik, Gunnar; Sisjord, Mari Kristin & Skaset, Hans B. (Red.), Norsk Idrett - Indre spenning og ytre press. Akilles forlag. ISSN 978-82-7286-228-1. s. 371–387.
  • Straume, Solveig (2010). "Sport is in lack of everything here!" : Norwegian Sport for All to Tanzania in the early 1980s. Stadion: Internationale Zeitschrift für Geschichte des Sports. ISSN 0172-4029. 36, s. 177–198.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Straume, Solveig; Bachmann, Kari Elisabeth & Skrove, Guri Kaurstad (2023). Hvordan hindre at økonomi blir en barriere for inkludering av barn og unge i norske idrettsklubber? .
  • Straume, Solveig (2023). New book highlights gendered labour in sport and fitness philanthropy. - Nordic Sport Studies Forum. ISSN 1652-7224.
  • Straume, Solveig (2022). Interesting interdisciplinary investigations, imparting important insights. - Nordic Sport Studies Forum. ISSN 1652-7224.
  • Straume, Solveig (2022). Då Straume skreiv idrettshistorie. I Skjeldal, Gudmund & Grønkjær, Allan B. (Red.), Fred og krig : festskrift til Matti Goksøyr. Norges idrettshøgskole. ISSN 9788250206076. s. 40–51.
  • Herskedal, Kjell Marius & Straume, Solveig (2022). CLUB DEVELOPMENT IN TIMES OF CRISIS.
  • Straume, Solveig (2020). Avhandling som løfter frem noen viktige spørsmål om idrettens rolle i samfunnet. - Nordic Sport Studies Forum. ISSN 1652-7224.
  • Straume, Solveig (2020). The History and Politics of Sport-for-Development: Activists, Ideologues and Reformers by Simon Darnell, Russell Field, and Bruce Kidd . Journal of Sport History. ISSN 0094-1700. 47(2), s. 167–168. doi: 10.1353/sph.2020.0032.
  • Straume, Solveig (2019). Den usosiale dugnaden : er det slik at dugnad kan vere med å ekskludere barn og unge frå idretten? . Romsdals Budstikke.. ISSN 0806-5160. s. 34–35.
  • Amara, Mohammad & Straume, Solveig (2018). Idretten kan binde folk sammen : Sports Management og Voksenopplæringa samarbeider. [Avis]. Romsdals budstikke.
  • Bachmann, Kari Elisabeth; Gammelsæter, Hallgeir; Skrove, Guri Kaurstad & Straume, Solveig (2018). Negotiating logics : Norwegian football clubs’ involvement in refugees inclusion into Norwegian football.
  • Straume, Solveig; Bachmann, Kari Elisabeth & Skrove, Guri Kaurstad (2018). Inclusion of refugees in Norwegian football clubs .
  • Bachmann, Kari Elisabeth; Røvik, Kristin & Straume, Solveig (2018). Stang ut for økonomisk inkludering i idretten? Romsdals Budstikke.. ISSN 0806-5160. s. 38–39.
  • Straume, Solveig (2018). The donor-recipient relationship in sport for development and peace. Structures, policies and funding streams.
  • Straume, Solveig (2017). Opportunities and Challenges in Sport for Development and Peace Management.
  • Straume, Solveig (2017). Sport for Development and Peace in the Urban Global South – A Study of 36 SDP Organizations.
  • Straume, Solveig (2017). Sport for Development and Peace in the Urban Global South – A Study of 36 SDP Organizations.
  • Straume, Solveig (2015). A new social movement? – a historiography of the sport for development and peace sector.
  • Straume, Solveig & Massao, Prisca B (2015). Participants’ views of the potential of international youth football tournaments for development in the global south.
  • Straume, Solveig & Hasselgård, Anders (2014). Sport-for-Development: Norwegian policy discourse and local practice in Zimbabwe.
  • Straume, Solveig (2009). Sports development aid: the case of Norway and Tanzania.
  • Straume, Solveig (2009). The terms of the recipient?: Norwegian involvement in sports aid to Tanzania in the 1980s.
  • Straume, Solveig (2007). On the Premises of the Recipient? The discourse and practice of Norwegian sports aid to Tanzania from the early 1980s.
  • Straume, Solveig (2007). Norwegian Sport as Development Aid.
  • Straume, Solveig; Bachmann, Kari Elisabeth; Skrove, Guri Kaurstad; Nerbøvik, Sunniva & Røvik, Kristin (2019). Forebygging av økonomisk eksklusjon i norsk fotball. Høgskolen i Molde - Vitenskapelig høgskole i logistikk. ISSN 978-82-7962-254-3.
  • Straume, Solveig; Bachmann, Kari Elisabeth; Skrove, Guri Kaurstad; Nerbøvik, Sunniva & Røvik, Kristin (2018). Prevention of economic exclusion in Norwegian football . Høgskolen i Molde - Vitenskapelig høgskole i logistikk. ISSN 978-82-7962-249-9.
  • Straume, Solveig; Bachmann, Kari Elisabeth; Skrove, Guri Kaurstad; Nærbøvik, Sunniva & Røvik, Kristin (2018). Inkludering av flyktninger i norske fotballklubber. Høgskolen i Molde - Vitenskapelig høgskole i logistikk. ISSN 978-82-7962-247-5.
  • Straume, Solveig; Bachmann, Kari Elisabeth; Skrove, Guri Kaurstad; Nærbøvik, Sunniva & Røvik, Kristin (2018). Inclusion of refugees in Norwegian football clubs. Høgskolen i Molde - Vitenskapelig høgskole i logistikk. ISSN 978-82-7962-238-3.
  • Solenes, Oskar; Dolles, Harald; Gammelsæter, Hallgeir; Kåfjord, Sondre; Rekdal, Eddie & Straume, Solveig [Vis alle 7 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2014). Toppfotballens betydning for vertsregionen : en studie av Molde Fotballklubbs betydning for Molderegionen. Høgskolen i Molde - Vitenskapelig høgskole i logistikk. ISSN 978-82-7962-181-2.
  • Straume, Solveig (2013). 'Sport for all' in new settings : A study of the Norwegian Confederation of Sports' Sport for All project in Tanzania in the 1980s and Zimbabwe in the 1990[s]. Norwegian School of Sport Sciences. ISSN 9788250204942.
  • Massao, Prisca Bruno & Straume, Solveig (2012). Urban youth and sport for development. United Nations Human Settlement Programme.
  • Bartlett, Sam & Straume, Solveig (2008). Sports-for-development monitoring and evaluation consultancy : final report. The Inter-American Development Bank.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Publisert 3. sep. 2018 16:01 - Sist endret 12. mars 2024 14:31