Konferanser og seminarer - Side 3

Tid og sted: , Molde Campus

I 2021 er Høgskolen i Molde, Vitenskapelig høgskole i logistikk arrangør av Fjordkonferansen. Arrangementskomiteen har invitert Thomas Hylland Eriksen og Jørgen Randers som keynote speakers.

Tid og sted: , Molde University College

This PhD-course presents current research on Blockchain applications in supply chains, and offer an opportunity to discuss future applications and research on information sharing in extended supply chains.


Professor Jaume Barcelo will give a one week seminar for master students in Logistics at Molde University College. We are happy to offer a 3 hour mini seminar during this week.  Suited for businesses and others who are interested.


Managing Director Frode Huse Gjendem will give a one week seminar for master students in Logistics at Molde University College. We are happy to offer a 3 hour mini seminar during this week.  Suited for businesses and others who are interested.

Tid og sted: , Molde Campus

Ana Lucia Martins will give a one week seminar for master students in Logistics at Molde University College. We are happy to offer a 3 hour mini seminar during this week.  Suited for businesses and others who are interested.

Tid og sted: , Molde Campus

Professor Alessio Malizia will give a one week seminar for master students in Logistics at Molde University College. We are happy to offer a 3 hour mini seminar during this week.  Suited for businesses and others who are interested.


The overall aim of the course is to develop student's competencies in researching, analyzing and managing performance in supply chains.

Tid og sted: , Via Zoom

Kristina Kjersem will be defending her thesis "Contributing to Resolving a Project Planning Paradox in ETO: From plan to planning" for the PhD degree in Logistics at Molde University College - Specialized University in Logistics.

Tid og sted: , Via Video-link on Youtube

Rebecca Glavee-Geo will be defending her thesis for the PhD degree in Logistics at Molde University College. The title of the thesis is "Managing Transaction Cost Escalation in Public Sector Procurement: An Empirical Study of Ghana"

Tid og sted: , Hotel Alexandra, Loen

Fjordkonferansen 2020, som skulle vore arrangert 18.-19. juni 2020 på Alexandra Hotel i Loen er utsatt til seinare i haust. Konferansen skal vere ein fagleg samlingsstad for fagpersonar i FoU-institusjonane, i næringslivet, og offentleg verksemd i regionen som arbeider med FoU-prosjekt og utviklingsprosessar. Les meir

Tid og sted: , HiMolde

Kurset er utsatt på ubestemt tid. Har du matematikkskrekk eller gruer deg som ei bikkje til det obligatoriske ph.d.-kurset i kvantitative metoder? Her er løsningen: Brukervennlig ph.d.- kurs i kvantitative forskningsmetoder og  “mixed methods” (5 SP).

Tid og sted: , Via Video-link

Markus Brachner will be defending his thesis for the PhD degree in Logistics at Molde University College. The title of the thesis is "Evaluating and Optimizing an Emergency Response System for Helicopter Transportation in the Arctic Region"

Tid og sted: , Molde Campus, Room B-138

Morten Svindland will be defending the thesis "Towards Sustainable Short Sea Container Transports" for the PhD degree in Logistics at Molde University College.

Tid og sted: , Room A-1.025

Welcome to the first Molde workshop on Sports Analytics.

Tid og sted: , Room A-1.025

Axel Merkel will be defending the thesis “Container port infrastructure in the European Union: Inter-port competition, investment appraisal and the measurement of efficiency” for the PhD degree in Logistics at Molde University College.

Tid og sted: , Room A-1.025

PhD-Candidate Yauheni Kisialiou will be defending the thesis "Periodic Supply Vessel Planning under Uncertainty" for the PhD degree in Logistics at Molde University College

Tid og sted: , Rom A-1.020

Parallel Sessions 24 - 26 and Closing of the Conference

List of Abstracts

Tid og sted: , Rom A-1.020

Parallel Sessions 17 - 23

List of Abstracts

Tid og sted: , Rom A-1.020

Parallel Sessions 9 - 16

List of Abstracts

Tid og sted: , Rom A-1.020

Parallel Sessions 1 - 8 and Symposium 1

List of Abstracts

Tid og sted: , Rom A-1.020
Tid og sted: , Molde Campus

Joy, suffering and death - understanding contrasting existential phenomena in the lifespan.

Tid og sted: , Hotel Alexandra, Loen

Fjordkonferansen 2019 blir arrangert 19.-20. juni 2019 i Loen. Konferansen skal vere ein fagleg samlingsstad for fagpersonar i FoU-institusjonane, i næringslivet, og offentleg verksemd i regionen som arbeider med FoU-prosjekt og utviklingsprosessar. Les meir

Tid og sted: , Room A-1.025

PhD-Candidate Ning Lin will be defending the thesis "The performance of upstream buyer consolidation in China-Scandinavian containerized trades" for the PhD degree in Logistics at Molde University College