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Username and password

All new students and employees are assigned a user account. This user account is linked to FEIDE, and allow you to access our IT services.

  • Students must register their mobile phone number in Studentweb.
  • Students need to pay the tuition fee to maintain access to your user account.
  • Employees must register their mobile phone number in SAP Portal. If you don't have access to SAP Portal, the HR department must register the mobile number for you. You can send them an email at 

2-factor authentication

The combination of username and password is not considered sufficient to secure information. We therefore require that two-step verification be used when logging on to services outside HiMolde's networks. 


Select "Use work or school account" to sign in to Canvas and other Feide services. You may be prompted to sign in with your username and password.

The FEIDE login only works as long as you are an active student or are employed by HiMolde.

After the final certificate / certificate has been sent you will no longer have an active right to study. You can then use electronic ID, such as BankID, to log in to Studentweb and check your exam results and student status. If you find something that does not match, contact your local study site administration.

Good password practice

A good password should be easy for you to remember, but hard for others to guess, computers included. Do not write it down.

  • The password should be as long as possible and must contain at least 8 characters. Passwords have to contain at least one character from the following four groups:
  1. Upper-case letters: A–Z
  2. Lower-case letters: a–z
  3. Numbers: 0–9
  4. The following special characters: !#()+,.=?@[]_{}-

National letters like "æ", "ø" and "å" are not accepted.

You cannot reuse previous passwords, nor can you use passwords that are too similar to previous passwords.   

  • Create your own mnemonic rule for the password. As an example, you can use a sentence that is easy to remember, and add something unique to each password. Suggestions: "Old-macdonald-had-a-farm-at-HiMolde" or "Old-macdonald-had-a-farm-on-Facebook". 
  • Do not use your password for other services like Facebook, Amazon, etc. If someone is able to break it, they can easily obtain access to other systems using the same password. Your password is often the only thing protecting your information and identity.  If someone gets a hold of one of your passwords, unique passwords will make sure that the other services you use are not affected.  
  • Change your password at least once a year, or immediately if you suspect that it might have fallen into the wrong hands. 

Change password

Published Oct. 15, 2018 6:20 PM - Last modified July 9, 2024 3:10 PM