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Students use of campus computers


The IT center offers the students machine resources to complete the studies. All students have a right to a user account on these machines.

1. User accounts

User accounts are strictly personal and may not be shared by others or transferred to others.

2. Other users

Other users' data is considered private property. Accessing other users' data should only be done if agreed to by the owner unless it is clear that the files are made available to you on purpose.

3. Terminal room

Terminal rooms are to be regarded as work rooms where it should be possible to concentrate on the work. Eating / drinking is not allowed in the terminal room.

Availability and possibly. Reservations are announced by posting. Users are obliged to follow the instructions given.

You are not allowed to install software on machines without the approval of the IT Center. It is strictly prohibited to install games or pornographic software.

4. Resource use

Machine and disk resources are limited. Therefore, use of storage space on servers must be restricted.

External activity must only take place to the extent that it does not interfere with the normal use of machines and equipment. Use of HiMolde's equipment for commercial purposes is prohibited without special permission.

5. Networking to the outside world

Use the network carefully.

Make sure that the network is not used in such a way that it hits you or college. Unlawful use may result in services or the like. The network is being shut down.

5.1 Electronic mail

All students at the university can access electronic mail.

Electronic mail can not be sent to random recipients or to mailing lists one is not authorized to use.

5.2 Copyright

When it comes to making material (sound, text, image, etc.) available over the internet, the following applies: The student is obliged to investigate what is posted on his website and the like. are protected works. If one finds that the material is protected, the student is incapable of obtaining the necessary permits and is personally responsible for the legal and economic requirements that the proprietors may promote when used without permission.

5.3 File transfer

It is not allowed to download commercial software without permission from the licensee.

5.4 Other Guidelines

In addition, Uninett's ethical guidelines and Uninett's guidelines for acceptable use apply.

6. Informasjon

Messages, messages and the like given per. Electronic mail from the IT center or school to groups of students is to be considered as given to each individual.

7. Policy violations

Violation of these guidelines may result in students being banned from the college's computer system.

8. Conclusion

A general rule is that not all that is possible is allowed.
Use reason. If you are in doubt whether your use of the resources is in accordance with the rules and with good practice, you should ask the IT Center.

9. Validity / changes

These guidelines apply to all students. They may be changed in cooperation with students elected by the program.

We welcome you as a user of the ICT resources at HiMolde

Published Oct. 18, 2018 11:37 AM - Last modified Oct. 18, 2018 11:37 AM