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In Panopto, you can create your own desktop recordings, record lectures in classrooms, and upload video to an integrated playback platform.

Panopto Sign-in

What can I use Panopto for?

  • Recordings on your own PC/Mac
  • Publish existing video and audio files
  • Publish webmeetings from Zoom 
  • Podcasts
  • Streaming og recordings in classrooms
  • Simple video editing 
  • Create a video-quiz
  • Students can hand in their own videoproductions

See a 3-minute walktrhough of Panopto for education from 

Streaming and recording in classrooms

  • Students: You can view Panopto videos through Canvas using the "Panopto Video" tool. Note that the streaming of a teaching session does not become visible before the session starts. 
  • Teachers: You can plan streaming and recordings through Canvas using the "Planlegg streaming og opptak" tool. 

Classrooms with a Panopto recorder

  • Molde, building A: A-0.060, A-0.070, A-0.071, A-1.020, A-1.025, A-1.058, A-2.005, A-2.040, A-2.042, A-2.043, A-2.044, A-2.116, A-2.135, A-2.136 og A-2.137
  • Molde, building B: B-135, B-136, B-137, B138, B-139,B140, B-262 og B-360
  • Kristiansund: K116

Order streaming & recordings in classrooms

You as a teacher can order streaming and recording of the lecture via Canvas:

  • The first time you visit the topic, you may first need to click on the Panopto Video tool. 
  • Go to the relevant topic and select Planlegg streaming og opptak (in the tool menu on the left)..
  • The timetable for the course is loaded. You can now schedule streaming and / or recordings of one or more teaching sessions. Note that if the course is taught in both Molde and Kristiansund, then the timetable for both campuses will be displayed, so make sure to plan your recordings in the correct room (campus).
  • Click Schedule to order streaming and recording. A video file is created for each lesson (45 min), followed by a 15 minute break. A lecture of three hours will consist of three recordings (standard setting). Start and end follow the times in the timetable.
  • For more choices, click the three dots on the right. Here you can e.g. add 5 minutes extra recording time, or turn off live streaming. Remember to save.
  • If you want to cancel a scheduled recording, press Cancel.

Students can watch streaming via the course tool Panopto Video, and here you and the students will also find recordings when it is finished. Note that the streaming of a teaching session does not become visible before the session starts. 

More about Panopto in Canvas for teachers

Copy Panopto video between Canvas subjects

  • Go to the topic in Canvas where the video is published and select the Panopto Video tool.
  • Hover over the video you want to copy so that menu selections are visible. Press Settings.
Bildet viser meyvalget Setting på en Panopto-video
Hover over the video you want to copy so that menu selections are visible. Click Settings.

Inside the video settings:

  • Select Manage in the menu list on the left. A little down the page you will find options related to copying the video (Copy video).
  • Select the Canvas topic you want to copy the video to, then press Create Reference Copy
Bildet viser meyvalgene Manage og Create Reference Copy (Panopto video)
Select Manage [1] in the menu list on the left. A little down the page you will find options related to copying the video (Copy video). Select the Canvas subject you want to copy the video to [2] and then press Create Reference Copy [3].

Add video to a module

Items you can use to add a Panopto video to a module:

  • External tool: This may be the best choice, and you can make some adjustments to the video with options found under "Video Embed Options".
  • External URL: Note that it may be an advantage to uncheck "Load in new tab" when adding the link.
    • Students get full screen view in new tab. Alternatively, they can click on the title above the video inside the Canvas window, if you as a teacher do not make the choice in advance. 
    • Any problems related to Panopto requiring third-party cookies to be accepted in the browser are avoided for the students.
  • Page: You can embed video with playback window (embed) on a page. This may be relevant if you want to write some text along with the video.

Add video with playback window (embed)

You can embed video with playback window (embed) on a page or in an announcement. In the text editor, there is a separate icon for Panopto Video:

Bilde som viser ikonet til Panopto Video i editoren

Upload video in Canvas (Panopto Video)

In the Panopto Video tool, you can upload videos you have created, such as footage from Zoom, to a Canvas topic:

Go to the topic in Canvas, select Panopto Video [1] in the tool menu on the left, click on Create [2] and select Upload media [3].

Can Panopto videos be downloaded from Canvas?

By default in Panopto, videos are set that cannot be downloaded by students or other people who do not have teaching privileges in a subject.

If you want to allow download for students, you can do so via the settings of the Panopto folder in the course:

  • Go to the course in Canvas and select the Panopto Video tool. 
  • Click the settings icon for the folder (gear) in the upper right.
  • Select Settings and then Authenticated users with access.
Menyvalg for å tillate nedlasting (Settings - Downloads - Authenticated users with access)
Choose Settings [1] and then Authenticated users with access [2]

Record on your own PC/Mac

You can create recordings in Panopto using Panopto Capture (browser).


Trimming video in Panopto 

You can perform simple editing tasks in Panopto such as removing parts of the video or insert parts from other videos.

You can read about video trimming here!!!Need translation!!!.

Panopto videoquiz 

You can add questions in your Panopto videos. You can choose between Multiple Choice, True/False, Multiple Select, or Fill In the Blank. The video will stop when the viewer reaches the point where a quiz is applied and have to answer it before the video continues.

View a video about the quiz feature here.


Embed YouTube video in a Panopto video 

You can embed content from YouTube in Panopto video. Note that the viewer must use the main playback windows in Panopto to view embedded YouTube content.

You can view the instructional video from Panopto here.

Publish PDF as attachment in Panopto video 

It is possible to upload a PDF file the students can view at the same time as the video. 

You can view the instructional video from Panopto here.

Uploading files from other sources

You can upload audio and video for easy publishing in Panopto. The platform supports most filetypes and will automatically convert the files to a web format. The maximum resolution is set to 1080P (Full HD) video. You can still upload 4K content but it will be downscaled to 1080P. 


If you have any questions or require training, contact us at  IT support / +4771214175.

Published Mar. 29, 2022 12:53 PM - Last modified Dec. 18, 2023 3:16 PM