Register an event

In order to create the best possible large and small events, it is important that everyone who will contribute with rooms, possibly marketing, food, technology and more - knows about the event as early as possible. Please report it before all the details are ready.

Bilder frå ulike arrangement


In order to avoid collisions, possible cooperation regarding external speakers and the like, it is important to know about the event as early as possible.

If you are wondering what is being planned by others, and may not have been made public yet, we have created an internal shared Outlook calendar under the name "HiMolde arrrangement". If you don't know how to add a shared calendar, there's a short video at the bottom of this page that shows you how.

Go to registration form

We emphasize that you are still responsible for the event itself, but you have given others a chance to help in a better way.

It will take you a few minutes to complete this form and will save both you and the organizing team a lot of time and possible frustration.

What happens after the form is submitted?

"Organiser corps" will receive an e-mail with the information you have entered. The "organiser corps" are those who often are involved in an event, such as room booking, canteen, IT, the printing office, the info and marketing department, cleaning and more.

You will be asked about:

* Type of event / participants
* Organizer
* Room request
* Technical needs
* Marketing
* Food

If there is something you don't know the answer to today, it may also be important information for others. Use the "Don't know" button.

At one point or another you have to answer all the questions, even where the answer is clear "no, we have no use for this...".

For example, it is important for the canteen to know about larger events, even if you will not be ordering food. More people at school, often means more people in the canteen.


If there is less than a week to the event, there is less chance that we can deliver services in accordance with your wishes.

What is an "event"?

In this context it is - all gatherings that, in one way or another way, need assistance, or some form of marketing, and that are not on the regular timetable.

How to add the shared, internal "HiMolde arrangement"-calendar to Outlook:


By Rolf Magnus Orø
Published Feb. 20, 2024 1:04 PM - Last modified Feb. 20, 2024 3:12 PM