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Facilitation for students with special needs

Higher education shall be available to all. If you are a student with a disability, you may need individual facilitation to manage your studies.


Before meeting with an advisor or a faculty member, please consider what your challenges are and what you need help with. We encourage you to avoid sensitive health information in emails and attachments. If you have documentation of a disability, feel free to bring this documentation with you to the meeting.

Examples of various measures of facilitation for students:

Professional assistance

If you need assistance in one of your subjects, you can contact the study programme manager or subject teacher for your study programme.

Special arrangements during exams

If you need special arrangements during examinations, you can apply for this within the given deadlines. If your need is permanent, the arrangements you receive will apply for the entire period you are a student at HiMolde. The need for facilitation must be documented in English or Norwegian, for example by a medical certificate.


Mentoring is an offer for students who have a special agreement with the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV). If you wish to have a mentor, you must talk to your counselor in NAV about this offer.

A mentor is a fellow student who offers you support during your studies. You can discuss topics connected to your studies and do exercises with a mentor. A mentor helps you with motivation and contributes in planning your daily study routine. A mentor can also help you socialise with other students.


Lingdys and Lingpilot are software programmes that assist students with dyslexia. You can apply to use Lingdys and Lingpilot during your exams at HiMolde (see special arrangements of exams). Our computer labs have machines with the software installed.

If you need Lindys and Lingpilot installed on your own machine, and can document dyslexia, you can contact the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV) to have expenses covered for installing the progamme on your machine.

Get in touch if you need help filling out an application form for aids for communication.

Assessment of dyslexia and dyscalculia

HiMolde cannot assess whether you have dyslexia or dyscalculia. If you suspect that you have dyslexia or dyscalculia, you must contact your GP that must consider whether you should be examined by a logopedic.

Syllabus as an audiobook

Combining reading the syllabus yourself or having the syllabus read out load for you may help if you have reading and writing difficulties, visual impairment or difficulty concentrating. You can apply for a loan or production right yourself at the The Norwegian Library of Talking Books and Braille (NLB).


If you have a need for special aids, you must contact NAV Hjelpemiddelsentral in the county where you are registered. If you have a temporary need, for example an adjustable chair during the exam, you can contact an advisor at HiMolde.

A hearing loop, sometimes referred to as an induction loop, T-Loop or an audio frequency induction loop (AFIL) is installed in the two large auditoriums A108 and A112 in Building A, as well as in parts of room B137 in Building B.

A Roger Wallpilot is installed in three auditoriums and a Roger Pen can be borrowed in Student Service.


The app library is a website from NAV about the use of smart technology for people with disabilities.

A room to rest in

HiMolde has a room for resting / quiet room on the second floor of the A-building. The room is A-2.057, located on the second floor in the far east of the building.

Housing and parking

SiMolde has housing that is suitable for students with disabilities. There is access to car parking on Molde Campus.

SiMolde's housing


International experience shall be available for everyone. Contact international coordinator Anette Mystad to find out more about where you can travel on an exchange.

ANSA's websites about studying abroad with a disibility

Facilitation Scholarship - Erasmus

When applying for an exchange, you will be considered for a facilitation grant during your exchange. You must submit a doctor's certificate or other valid documentation by post or by hand to international coordinator Anette Myrstad. The school you are going to exchange to must have an Erasmus agreement with HiMolde.

Scholarships and foundations

Many scholarships and foundations provide scholarships. There are several websites where you can search for scholarships that suit you

Student handbook for deaf students in higher education

DiHU has launched its own student handbook for students in higher education with hearing impairments.

Counselling and health

Sometimes you need someone to talk to. A student counselor has a duty of confidentiality and the offer is free. The student counselor can also inform about other health services in Molde.

Published Nov. 5, 2020 10:10 PM - Last modified Nov. 16, 2020 9:48 PM