Programme structure (2024–2026)

Content and structure of the programme

Sustainable urban mobility deals with the ways in which the functioning of transport and mobility in our towns and cities affects our lives and serves our needs, whilst doing so in as sustainable a manner as possible.  Whilst transport planning in cities has traditionally been part of the field of engineering, sustainable urban mobility builds on a broad spectrum of academic disciplines, from engineering and operations research through to psychology and urban design. For an increasing number of cities, the relationship between transport, economic and social development, and the quality of the urban environment, is critical to their growth as well as to their ability to meet targets on energy use, carbon emissions reductions and air pollution.  The programme will examine how to manage this relationship from both a theoretical and practical perspective, qualifying its graduates for a wide range of jobs in the field of transport planning and operations.

The program is run in full-time mode (120 ECTS credits) over two years in Molde, and consists of 90 ECTS credits built up from 7,5 ECTS semester-long courses, and 2,5 credit short, specialised, seminar courses.  Finally, there is a MSc thesis of 30 ECTS credits in the fourth and final semester.

The Master’s degree will qualify you for positions in a broad range of employment areas in Norway as well as abroad, in transport and management consultancy, local and national government and its agencies, and with major transport operators. It will also make you eligible to apply to study for a PhD.

Organisation and learning

A wide range of lecturing and study methods are used within the modules. They are usually run over one semester with lectures once or twice per week. In some cases, courses consist of intensive lecturing in one or two weeks during a semester, and more regular lectures once a week in other parts of the semester. Students have homework in terms of exercises, computer lab work, problem-based research tasks, and case studies and assignments, both individually and in groups. The seminars in the third semester are intensive courses lasting for one week consisting of lectures, homework, discussions and student presentations. Students enrolled in the programme are expected to have at least a workload of 40 hours per week. The programme is not currently offered for distance learning.

The study programme includes three compulsory courses and one elective in each of the first two semesters. The majority of lectures and all exams (except home exams) will take place in Molde.  The third semester consists of short intensive seminars, all lasting for one week. The seminar in Research Design is mandatory, while others are elective. During this semester, the students should also find a topic for their master's thesis, and write a proposal for the thesis. Here the students should indicate the topic, research methods and methodologies that can be relevant, some preliminary overview of previous research, and literature within the chosen topic. The proposal will be presented orally and approved by the supervisor and an independent grader. In the fourth semester the students are working on their master's thesis. Presentation and examination/ defense of the thesis will take place in June.

Required study progression

An achievement of at least 75% of nominal study progression during an academic year is required in order to maintain the place in the study programme.

Evaluation of the study

Student assessment is made on basis of monitored exams, essays, written case study reports and oral presentations.

Study model

Autumn 2025

Obligatory and elective courses

Electives seminar alternative

As an alternative to taking 3 seminars, students will instead have the option from Autumn 2024 to take - 1 - one of the following courses.

Seminars in Logistics

Seminars in logistics (minimum 30 credits).

Choose specialisation to view courses

Spring 2026

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Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 16, 2024 4:32:37 AM