Facts about the program

ECTS Credits:
Study duration:
2 years
Teaching language:
Study level:
Master's degree (2 years)
Norwegian version of this page

Study Plan for Master of Science in Sport Management (2021–2023)

Study information

The Master of Science in Sport Management is designed to prepare students for work in managerial positions in the sport and sport-related industry. The program intends to convey a solid understanding and knowledge about sport as it is practised in the European context, and introduce the students to legal, ethical, economical, organisational, historical, political, and psychological topics necessary to meet the demands of this growing industry.

Throughout the study, students will be exposed to both practitioners and scholars in the field, and challenged on conventional understandings or sport myths conveyed by sport actors.
As future councillors and decision-makers, the students should be able to face complex situations in organisations in an analytic and reflective manner. The study programme therefore aims at enabling students to develop an understanding of the complexity, heterogeneity and uncertainty in sport, and the need to listen and be responsive to others. Consequently, they can identify good solutions and create cooperative environments that enables them to take part in change processes.

By completing an internship in a sport context and a master’s thesis, students should develop their capacity as problem-solvers by defining problems and research questions, and by examining, analysing, concluding and defending their conclusions. 
An excursion to Central Europe is organised in the course IDR810 Event Organization. Molde University College covers housing and travel while abroad, but the students must pay own travel expenses to get to the destination.

What do you learn?

Learning outcomes

After completing the program, the successful candidate is expected to: 


  • have advanced knowledge in economical and organizational theories concerning sport management

  • have specialized knowledge about selected topics within the field of sport management

  • have extensive knowledge in scientific methods and philosophy of science relevant to the field 


  • be able to contribute in finding solutions to organizational problems in sport organizations.

  • be able to do independent analytical work and to write scientific texts in an theoretically informed and methodologically sound manner

  • be able to acquire new scientific literature in an independent and critical way

  • be capable to present work orally and in writing in an academic as well as popular form 

General qualifications

  • be able to work independently

  • have skills and experience in cross cultural and inter-professional team work

  • be able to communicate about professional issues relevant to Sport management, on an expert-as well as a common level


Admission to the MSc program in Sport Management takes place during the spring semester every year, and the program starts in the middle of August. The program is open to Norwegian and international applicants who fulfil all the admission requirements, where applicants outside EU/ EEA must document funding of minimum NOK 126 357 per academic year together with their application form to cover their own living expenses for their planned MSc studies in Molde. As a recognized state-run specialized university, HiMolde is not charging any tuition fees from the Norwegian or international students, but all admitted students have to pay a minor semester fee of NOK 745 per semester. Admitted international students outside EU/EEA will be requested to transfer a minimum of NOK 126 357 to our Deposit Account for International Students within a deadline first stated in the letter of admission.

Applicants should preferably hold a recognised first degree (BBA, BA, BSc), equivalent to a minimum of 180 ECTS credits, in Sport Management/ Sciences, Business Administration, Social Sciences (Economy, Sociology, Political Science or History) or other relevant academic disciplines to apply for the MSc program in Sport Management. Applicants who have completed only a HND (Higher National Diploma) or similar Diploma/Advanced Diploma Educations do not qualify to apply for admission.

Admission to the international MSc programs at Molde University College - Specialized University in Logistics is highly competitive when it comes to grades. Applicants should preferably have an average grade of First Class/ First Division or Second Class Upper Division or equivalent average grades from their recognized bachelor's degree to be considered for admission.

Some groups of applicants will also be required to fulfil the formal English language requirements to apply for admission, by taking an IELTS test with a minimum score of 6.0, or a TOEFL test with a minimum score of 550 on paper based test/ 213 on computer based test/ or 79 on internet based test.A Pearson Academic English test (PTE) of minimum score 53 will also be accepdted. Other groups of applicants might be exempted from the formal English language requirements.
Application deadlines:

  • 15 December 2021:
    International applicants from countries outside EU/EEA applying directly from abroad, and applicants with international education who have a
    temporary residence permit in Norway.

  • 15 April 2022:
    Applicants who are either Norwegian og Nordic citizens, Nordic citizens or applicants who already have a permanent residence permit in Norway. (Se norske sider for link til søknadsweb) Applicants who are citizens of a country within EU/EEA.


Administrative Contact Person International applicants:

Ragnhild Brakstad, Senior Adviser/International Coordinator MSc studies

Phone: +47 71 21 41 08

Structure and content

Programme content

The MSc in Sport Management is the perfect program for those who want to combine their passion for sport with a career in the sports industry. Through a blend of focused study and hands-on practice, our program immerses you in the multifaceted world of sports.

You will meet experienced practitioners and excellent scholars. Through lectures, assignments, discussions, and teamwork you will as a student be prepared to face complex situations in organisations in an analytic and reflective manner.

The Master in Sport Management aims to provide our students with an in-depth knowledge of sport management and the necessary skills for a professional career in the world related to sport.

At Molde University college, we collaborate with the Norwegian Football Association and many other partner organizations which give our students unique access to internships. This provides important entries to organizations and platforms of exchange between practitioners, students and faculty. 

Content and structure of the programme

The MSc in Sport Management is designed to prepare students to work in management positions in the sport and sport-related industry. It intends to convey a solid understanding and knowledge about sport as it is practiced in the European context and introduce student to legal, ethical, economical, organizational, historical, political, and psychological topics necessary to meet the demands of this growing industry.
This programme provides a solid composition of topics that prepare students to work in management positions in the growing sport and sport-related industry.

The combination of broad sport related topics, specific sport management concentrations, a 15 ECTS worth internship as well as dedicated students and faculty is the best preparation for future sport managers.

Molde University College collaborates with the Norwegian Football Association and many other partner organizations which give our students unique access to internships. This provides important entries to organizations and platforms of exchange between practitioners, students and faculty staff.

Our studies are flexible, and students may also go on exchange to one of our partner universities in Europe.

The 2 year (120 ECTS) international MSc programme in Sport Management is given in Englisha and consists of 90 credits of course work, and a master's thesis of 30 credits.

Organisation and learning

The program courses use a wide range of teaching and study methods such as lectures, assignments, discussions, teamwork and an internship.

Some courses run over one semester with classes once or twice per week whereas other courses are organized as seminars with one-week intensive teaching. Students are expected to work individually between lectures.

An excursion is organised in the course IDR810 Event Organization and is mandatory for all students. Molde University College covers all expenses related to travelling and housing.

During the last semester students are doing an internship in a sport organization. The degree is finalised by carrying out a supervised research project and write a Master’s thesis.

The work load of the program equals to at least 40 hours per week. During the first year, there will be 10 to 15 contact hours (teaching, seminars and supervision) per week on average. During the second year, students use a substantial part of their time working in internships and on the master’s thesis. The program is not suited for distance learning

Required study progression

An achievement of at least 75 % of nominal study progression during an academic year is required in order to maintain the place in the study program.


Both formative and summative assessments are made on the basis of exams, essays, written case study reports, internship and oral presentations.

Studies abroad

Students have the opportunity to go on exchange to one of our recommended European partner universities. Students interested in doing so should contact the program coordinator as well as international coordinator Anette Myrstad (anette.myrstad@himolde.no) early in their studies

Future work

The Msc in Sport Management qualifies for working in management positions in the sport and sport-related sector. Completing this study students will achieve a Master’s degree and thereby qualifies for research positions and future PhD studies.

Future studies

Candidates with an MSc in Sport Management should qualify for a PhD in Sport Management. In most cases this is dependent on excellent academic performances.

Study model

Spring 2023

Choose specialisation to view courses

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 16, 2024 4:32:30 AM