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Programme structure (2024–2026)

Study information

The MSc in Sport Management prepares you for work in management positions in the sport and sport-related sector. It offers understanding and knowledge about how sport is practiced and managed internationally, and in a Nordic context in particular. You will be introduced to ethical, economical, organizational, historical and political topics within the broad field of sport management. Throughout the study, you will meet and collaborate with sport practitioners as well as internationally renowned academic scholars. 

The field of sport is developing fast, and a future sport manager is required to have broad competencies, including data analysis technological proficiency, leadership and team management, global perspective and cross-cultural skills. The programme equips you with diverse perspectives and knowledge so you can meet the future as a sport manager in an analytic and reflective manner. Through lectures, assignments, discussions and teamwork you will develop an understanding of the complexity, heterogeneity and uncertainty in sport, and the need to listen to, cooperate with and be responsive to others. 

The program is taught entirely in English and currently includes students from more than 10 different countries, both within and outside Europe. This means that you will have the benefit of belonging to a truly international group of students and to enhance your language skills, making you ready for sport management careers in an ever more globalized sector 

Content and structure of the programme

The international MSc program consists of 90 credits of coursework and a master’s thesis of 30 ECTS credits.  

In the first three semesters you will in general take mandatory programme courses in sport management, including sport history, sport and event management, sport marketing, sport economics as well as general organisational theory courses and research methods. In addition, you will have four so-called seminar courses, were different topics are covered in one-week blocks (nine in total), given by international experts.  The variety of courses and involvement of all these topics taught by expert, makes it exciting and challenging to study sport management in Molde.     

In the last semester you will complete a 10 week's internship in a sport organisation as well as write your master’s thesis. Here you will apply the theory in practice and will be challenged to develop your capacity as a problem-solver.   

Molde University College collaborates with many partner organisations, which gives you access to internships. This provides essential entries to organisations and platforms of exchange between practitioners, students and faculty.  

If you are interested, we will also facilitate so that you can go on international exchange to one of our partner universities in Europe.  

Organisation and learning

The program courses use a wide range of teaching and study methods such as lectures, assignments, discussions, teamwork and an internship.

Some courses run over one semester with classes once or twice per week whereas other courses are organized as seminars with one-week intensive teaching. The students are expected to work individually between lectures.

An excursion to Oslo is organised in the course IDR810 Event Organization and is mandatory for all students. Molde University College covers all expenses related to travelling and housing.

During the last semester students are doing a 10 week's internship in a sport organization. The master thesis is also subitted in the last semester.

The work load of the program equals to at least 40 hours per week. During the first year, there will be 10 to 15 contact hours (teaching, seminars and supervision) per week on average. During the second year, students use a substantial part of their time working in internships and on the master’s thesis. The program is not suited for distance learning.

Required study progression

An achievement of at least 75 % of nominal study progression during an academic year is required in order to maintain the place in the study program.


Both formative and summative assessments are made on the basis of exams, essays, written case study reports, internship and oral presentations.

Study model

Spring 2026

Choose specialisation to view courses

Please note:
IDR950 Master`s Degree Thesis runs over two semesters:  autumn and spring,

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 16, 2024 4:32:28 AM