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Programme structure (2024–2026)

Study information

Logistics entails organizing the flow of products, services and information from raw materials to the end-user. For a large number of industrial and business companies, achieving high quality logistics operations will be the key competitive factor for future success. Hence, it is a considerable focus on logistics in the business world. The knowledge can be used in all sorts of industries /organizations, which means that the job market for students with a master’s degree in logistics is generally quite good.

The program aims to give a thorough analysis and understanding of problems, challenges and solutions associated with all parts of the value chains: purchasing and supply, production planning, inventory management and distribution planning, including the management of transport services. Understanding the relations between different value chains, (Supply Chain Management) is also a major focus in the program.

The approaches to problem-solving in logistics require a broad understanding of the subject matter in order to find satisfactory solutions on the basis of an analysis of alternatives. Hence, logistics as a scientific discipline rests on a broad spectrum of other disciplines, such as economics, information/communication technology, business administration, organization and management, as well as quantitative methods based on mathematics, operations research and statistics. The involvement of all these topics within the field of logistics makes it exciting and challenging to study logistics at this level.

Students in the program will choose one of the three main specializations, called Supply Chain Management (SCM)Sustainable Freight Transport (SFT) and Logistics Analytics (LA). Students choosing the SCM-variant must – before the second semester starts – choose between the two different sub- variants of Advanced SCM or Information systems. Students choosing the LA-variant must- before the second semester starts-choose between the sub-variants of Logistics Analytics or Operations Research.

The specialization in Supply Chain Management is suited for students with an interest in organization, business and to some extent social science. Although mathematics and statistics are used, the focus is more on the qualitative aspects involved in the management of the value chain. Suitable backgrounds include supply chain management, economics, business administration, among others.

The specialization in Sustainable Freight Transport focuses on analysis and understanding of strategic and operative aspects related to in- and outbound freight flows in a supply chain. The analysis of freight transport's key role in climate actions is also central in this track.

The specialization in Logistics Analytics is suited for students interested in quantitative methods for analyzing, planning and management of activities involved in production, inventory, transportation and distribution within and across companies. Modern topics as big data, visual analytics and robotization will be covered.

The program is taught entirely in English and currently includes students from more than 10 different countries, both within and outside Europe. This means that those participating in the program will have the benefit of belonging to a truly international group of students and to enhance their language skills, making them ready for logistics careers in an ever more globalized economy

Content and structure of the programme

In the first semester there will in general be mandatory subjects related to the study specialization.  In the second semester the students have to choose between different sub-variants. There will be a mix of mandatory subjects and electives. The latter can be chosen from all subjects in all MSc programs in Logistics. The third and fourth semesters are structurally the same for all specializations. The series of one-week seminars in the third semester requires that each student follows at least ten seminars (10 weeks), please see LOG904 for further details. In addition all students have to write a proposal which is the project plan for the master thesis which is written in the fourth semester.The proposal should be presented orally and approved by the supervisor and an independent grader at the end of the third semester. The master thesis should be written in the fourth semester and the delivery date is at the end of May while an examination/defense of the thesis will take place in June.

Organisation and learning

The program courses use a wide range of teaching and study methods. Standard courses run over one semester with classes once or twice per week, but in some cases a course can include more intensive teaching within a limited time period. Students have homework in terms of exercises, computer lab work, case studies and essays, both individually and in groups. The one-week seminars in the third semester are intensive courses with a mix of lectures, homework, discussions and student presentations. Participation in the seminars normally requires that students have passed the mandatory courses in the two first semesters. Students finalize the degree by carrying out a supervised research project and write their thesis on basis of this. Students enrolled in the program are expected to do at least 40 hours of study work per week. The program is not suited for distance learning.

Some additional information about the MSc program can be found on 

Required study progression

An achievement of at least 75% of nominal study progression during an academic year is required in order to maintain the place in the study programme.


Student assessment is made on basis of monitored exams, essays, written case study reports and oral presentations.

Study model

Autumn 2024

Specialization electives:

You must choose one spesialization.

Sustainable Freight Transport

Note: for 2nd term, Spring: 7,5 ECT elective - Any subject (either elective or mandatory) from the MSc in Logistics in the spring semester

Choose specialisation to view courses

Spring 2025

Supply Chain Management

NB! Remember to choose subvariant in second semester

Logistics Analytics

NB! Remember to choose subvariant in second semester

Choose specialisation to view courses

Autumn 2025

Seminars in Logistics

Seminars in logistics (minimum 30 credits).

Choose specialisation to view courses

Spring 2026

Supply Chain Management

NB! Remember to choose subvariant in second semester

Logistics Analytics

NB! Remember to choose subvariant in second semester

Sustainable Freight Transport

Note: for 2nd term, Spring: 7,5 ECT elective - Any subject (either elective or mandatory) from the MSc in Logistics in the spring semester

Choose specialisation to view courses

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 16, 2024 4:32:20 AM