Master thesis collaboration with organisations

Molde University College has an increasing number of students who want to write master's theses for companies/enterprises/organisations (from now on referred to as the company/enterprise) in the private or public as well as the voluntary sector. This can provide a good opportunity to solve or shed light on problems that the company has, or wants to have investigated. It can also provide an excellent opportunity for recruitment.

Good collaboration with companies is very important for the college and our students, and this is also a mutual benefit.

An indication of this is that several leading companies internationally, nationally and regionally have provided issues and recruited many of our students.

Time of year

Our master's students choose a topic for their master's thesis during the autumn, where they must present a preliminary project (proposal) which must also be defended orally.
Therefore we highly encourage those organisations who are interested to submit their theme/problem during the spring or early autumn (August/September).

After Christmas, the students start working on their master's thesis. Submission of the thesis is at the end of May and the oral examination is held in the first or second week of June.
We are of course helpful in formulating issues.

Submit your proposal for a Master's Thesis


This is an international master's degree, with both Norwegian and foreign students. All teaching takes place in English, and the master's thesis must be written in English regardless of the student's nationality.

Themes and format

Themes for the master's theses are made available to the students on an ongoing basis.

The master's thesis can be written in two different ways:

  1. Monograph/report form 
  2. A full introduction + 1 research article

This is up to the student and supervisor to decide. The requirement for academic depth is the same.

The students themselves choose the topic for the assignment. Therefore we cannot guarantee that all the assignment topics will be chosen.

Most important parts of the collaboration

The issue must be within a logistics-related topic.

Sometimes the problem is precisely formulated, while at other times, it can be more open-ended. In the latter case, a more exact problem is usually formulated in collaboration with the company, the student(s) and the supervisor. Both ways have proven to work well.

Contact person

A contact person from the company should be appointed. The company/organisation should identify a person who is the primary contact for the students and who can answer questions or pass on contact to others in the company.


The master's thesis can be made confidential for a certain number of years if this is a requirement from the company's side. But we prefer that it be made publicly available. Among other things, this is significant for the student in connection with job searches and general research communication. We encourage you to consider binding only when a sufficiently finished draft can be considered. It often turns out that given information that may seem sensitive is not traceable in the completed assignment.

Handling of information and data processing

The company should be aware that it must be able to release relevant information necessary to answer the problem.

We have good systems for handling sensitive data, which we are happy to explain as needed.


Costs such as travel in connection with company visits, extraction of data, presentations, etc. are normally covered by the company.

Communication and presentation of results

The students are obliged to present the results of the assignment to the company if this is desired. Agreement on time is made directly between the parties. The company must receive one copy of the assignment.

Register your company's request

Any questions?

Please contact Arild hoff, Professor in Quantitative Logistics

Tags: master thesis, business, collaboration
Published Apr. 20, 2023 2:49 PM - Last modified Apr. 21, 2023 2:43 PM