Guidelines for using sources

When you write theses, reports, articles or students assignments of any kind, you usually use different material written by others, to which they have copyrights. References must show where you have found this material. In this way information and citations can be controlled and evaluated.  

A good reference list is one way to avoid plagiarism by showing the original author's reasoning. Correct use of a reference list is important for all types of reports and written presentations.  

The sources can be books, journal articles, texts downloaded from the Internet or other electronic media, software, lectures, photos, film, sound-records etc. Whatever your source is, you have to cite it. It is not allowed to copy or use "cut-and-paste" without mentioning and referring to the sources. It must be quite clear which sources you have used.   You must not give the impression that other people's ideas, thoughts, views or results are your own. It is a requirement that you always make correct and decent references and citations.  

To use other sources is allowed and often necessary. To give references shows that you recognize the work of other people, that you have read scientific literature and that you place your work in a greater context. It shows that you are able to use reference techniques, and it gives the reader possibilities to trace your sources.  

You must document all professional statements made by others, such as citations, paraphrases and references. It is not necessary to give sources for matters generally known and accepted. Do not give references to oral literature in the reference list. It is also not necessary to refer to oral sources mentioned during lectures. If it is necessary, use footnotes to refer, for instance "BBC Prime Animal Park 2005-08-10". If you have received help from somebody, you can make acknowledgements in the epiloque of the article. For thesis and reports you can make the acknowledgements in the preface.  

HiMolde’s Library, has made Guidelines for References and Literature

The Copyright Act protects the author, and says that it is legitime to cite from scientific literature. This is regarded as good practice if it is relevant for the purpose. Se also the information about Copyright and Copying. 


Error in or missing references can be considered as plagiarism and is prohibited. In examinations it will be seen as cheating. Molde University College will treat all cases of suspected cheating according to established guidelines.

The students have an independent responsibility to acquaint themselves with the exam regulations. If in doubt about the correct use of citations and references, one must consult the teacher or the library staff. Students must complete the mandatory personal statement in connection with credit giving assignments and home examinations.

All credit giving assignments must be handed in electronically according to the established guidelines. Molde University College uses a plagiarism control system, checking all assignments against text on the internet.

Reactions and consequences

The reactions concerning cheating is founded on ”Lov om Universiteter og høgskoler § 4-7 1b og § 4-8.3. (“Act relating to universities and university colleges”)

The law gives authorization for annulment of examinations/tests and/or exclusion of the student. By exclusion the student will lose the right to examinations /tests at all Norwegian universities and university colleges for the exclusion period. Cases concerning suspected cheating will be put in front of and decided by the Appeals Committee at Molde University College.

Published May 27, 2020 11:26 AM - Last modified May 27, 2020 11:26 AM