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New and retake exams

The retake period will be arranged in August, and not in October, this autumn. This is due to possible renovations in Building A in October. Having retake exams in August gives you the opportunity to complete any exams before starting a new semester.

A new or retake exam will be organised if any student failed or had a legitimate absence during the original examination. If a resit exam is organised, students that wish to improve exam results can also sign up.

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Signing up for new and retake exams:

List of possible retake and last time exams ØS/LOG

  • 3 - 14 June for retake of spring exams. Exams are held in August (usually in week 32)
  • 10 - 22 January for retake of autumn exams. Exams are held in February (usually in week 8)
  • You must sign up in Studentweb

The following applies for new and retake exams:

  • You must have met or have a legitimate absence from the original exam to be eligible to sign up for the resit exam. 
  • You have three attempts on each exam. Exemptions are bachelor's and master's thesis'. You will only be granted one more attempt on a thesis and only if you failed your first attempt.
  • The best grade from your attempts will remain on your diploma.
  • A new and retake exam is a 100% exam that will give you a new total grade in the subject. You cannot choose to just retake only part-exams in a subject. 
  • If you are waiting for the results of an explanation of a appeal on your grade, don’t wait until the result arrives, but sign up for the resit exams before the deadline. If you are satisfied with the results of the complaint, you can withdraw from the retake exam.
  • New and retake exams may be held during the evening. 

The Department of Health Sciences and Social Care have own regulations regarding new and retake exams.

Application to take an exam a fourth time

According to the Regulations on admission, studies and examinations at Molde University College § 28 (4), students who have used three attempts at an examination may, for special reasons only, apply for an examination a fourth and last time.

  • An application for a fourth attempt must be sent to 

You will normally not be granted a fourth attempt to use in a retake exam, but take the entire subject again when you take the exam for the fourth time. If you already have a grade in the course you are applying for a fourth attempt at, you will normally not be granted a fourth attempt.

Published Oct. 19, 2018 7:25 PM - Last modified June 4, 2024 4:10 PM