Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Business Administration and Social Sciences
Lecture Semester:
Teaching language:
½ year

IDR207 Managing Sport for Development (Autumn 2018)

About the course

The course looks at the world of sport development from both a sport for development perspective (addressing social challenges through sport nationally and internationally) and a development of sport perspective (getting more people to play more sport nationally and internationally).

Students will gain insight in both the theoretical and practical fields of sport for development, and get an understanding of how to manage sport (for) development in professional life. 

The course is structured in two modules.

  1. Module one contains the theoretical background needed to understand the practice field, including the difference between Sport Development and Sport for Development, Sport for Development theory, Sport for Develoment policy, Sport for Development practice
  2. In module two students are given the task to work with a specific practical project that that uses Sport for Development principles. Students will be challenged on how to manage, monitor and evaluate Sport for Development in practice.

This course is part of the throughline in research and team work in the BSc in Sport Management. Description of throughlines available in the program description

The course is connected to the following study programs

Recommended requirements

It is recommended that students have basic knowledge about organisational management (such as ADM100 and IDR100)

For international students, we recommend you to participate in the Norwegian language course SPR315 simultaneously, to optimise the learning outcomes of the course.

The student's learning outcomes after completing the course


Completing this course the student should be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of central principles and concepts in the Sport for Development literature
  • Understand public policies and priorities in Sport for Development
  • Identify different inter-organisational relationships in the Sport for Development sector
  • Demonstrate knowledge of how sport may contribute in the integration of refugees to the Norwegian society


Completing this course the student should be able to:

  • Plan, carry out and evaluate a project using Sport for Development principles
  • Critically assess different Sport for Development projects and initiatives
  • Take part in discussions on current pressing issues regarding sports role in social development

General Competence:

Completing this course the student should be able to:

  • Apply central Sport for Development principles in future engagements in Norwegian sport clubs
  • Work in teams with practical implementation of Sport for Development projects

Forms of teaching and learning

3-6 hours of lectures weekly. Combination of regular lectures, group work and presentations individually and in groups, which requires the students to actively contribute to own learning.

Module two requires full participation, which means that lectures and project related work is mandatory.


Coursework requirements - conditions for taking the exam

  • Mandatory coursework: Assignment(s)
  • Courseworks given: 2
  • Courseworks required: 2
  • Presence: Required
  • Comment: Individual essays (max 1000 words). The essays will form the basis of group work, discussions and presentations.
  • Mandatory coursework: Project
  • Courseworks given: 1
  • Courseworks required: 1
  • Presence: Required
  • Comment: Specific project to be worked with throughout the course. Participation in the project is mandatory for all students following the course and requires a written project plan, implementation and a written evaluation. Additionally each student need to keep a personal journal where you reflect on your experiences with the project. In order for the record to be as accurate as possible, the different parts of the journal shall be handed in along the way, after mandatory lectures and work with the project.


  • Form of assessment: Home assessment
  • Proportion: 100%
  • Duration: 4 Weeks
  • Grouping: Individual
  • Grading scale: Letter (A - F)
  • Support material: All printed and written supporting material


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