Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Logistics
Course Leader:
Arild Hoff
Lecture Semester:
Teaching language:
½ year

LOG904-184 Cross-border Logistics (Autumn 2023)

About the course

Border formalities are often dismissed as “just a bit of paperwork and a few checks”. Regulatory demands and compliance practices that arise in the cross-border movement of goods are far more complex. Solutions to help make things easier require a lot of effort. The use of technology is dependent on standards. Commercial and regulatory procedures need to be aligned. Most modern border management practices are based on trust and cooperation, which needs to be earned and cultivated – whether it is between border agencies, between business partners up and down the supply chain or between business operators and the border agencies.

Competency in the subject matter requires a broad skill set that extends significantly beyond knowing how to fill in a form or check a vehicle. This seminar addresses those skill requirements by:

  • Setting out the context within which cross-border logistics operations take place in today’s contemporary international business environment;

  • Offering a brief introduction to cross-border compliance and clearance practices;

  • Exploring options that can reduce experienced costs and make supply chains more competitive from an operational and wider economic (trade policy) point of view;

  • Detailing the various interfaces between business operators and regulators - whether in an operational context or by shaping the environment within which cross-border logistics activities take place.

Keywords include: Logistics, supply chain management, international transport, business regulation, supply chain compliance, customs, trade procedures, border management, technology, trade facilitation, trade policy and economic development through cross-border trade.

The course is connected to the following study programs

Recommended requirements

No previous knowledge of cross-border logistics operations is required for this seminar, however knowledge of the underpinning theories of operations, supply chain/logistics is assumed

The student's learning outcomes after completing the course

Knowledge: Become familiar with cross-border trade and transport environment; Understand the interdependences between regulation and the operational environment within the context of cross-border trade; Gain awareness of common cross-border trade and transport compliance requirements; Be aware of how relevant regulations and procedures in cross-border trade come to be, and can be influenced.

Skills: Critically analyse the interplay between regulation, technology, trade & customs procedures, policy making, border management, and supply chain management and logistics practice; Become familiar with standard online research tools and business compliance requirements within cross-border logistics operations or their control.

General competence: To prepare and discuss solutions to complex challenges using various media including written and verbal forms of communication through classroom interaction, exercises, and dialogue with the seminar leader ¬– a leading regarded expert in the field.

Forms of teaching and learning

The seminar includes a mix of formal instruction methods and highly interactive small group activity. Discussions amongst peers and with the seminar leader are strongly encouraged.



  • Form of assessment: Home assessment with focus on a cross-border logistics related compliance or control challenge; consisting of a group panel discussion which is pre-recorded and uploaded to Inspera.

  • Proportion: 50%

  • Duration: 7 minutes

  • Grouping: Group

  • Grading scale: Letter (A - F)

  • Support material: PowerPoint, Prezi, or Google Slides. Details to be shared on Day One. Deadline Friday 23.59.


  • Form of assessment: Individual short reflective essay about how key learning points can be matched to a related subject of their choice (e.g. Humanitarian logistics, Incoterms, Off-shore and ship-supplies, Supply chain security, Digital service, Logistics services, Port logistics, etc)

  • Proportion: 50%

  • Duration: 1000 words

  • Grouping: Individually

  • Grading scale: Letter (A - F)

  • Support material: MS Word submitted via Inspera. Details to be shared on Day One. Deadline Saturday 23.59



Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 16, 2024 6:20:08 AM