Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Logistics
Course Leaders:
  • Irina Gribkovskaia
  • Yury Shcherbanin
  • Bjørnar Aas
Lecture Semester:
Teaching language:
½ year

LOG740 Advanced Petroleum Logistics (Spring 2019)

About the course

The course is focusing on offshore logistics. It covers world oil and gas reserves offshore, countries and operators producing oil and gas offshore, gives outline of the offshore oil and gas supply chain, management of offshore oil and gas supply chain including the main actors in supply chain, land transport, supply bases and supply vessels, their characteristics and common challenges. The offshore supply chain integration and the current supply chain issues from different cases around the world are studied. The integrated planning for offshore supply chain and relevant IT-solutions will be also covered. The course gives an overview of offshore upstream logistics activities, including their planning and operations. The  focus will be on decision support tools for planning of cargo and personnel transportation to and from offshore installations using vessels and helicopters.

The topics covered are:

  • Historical development of offshore drilling
  • World trends of offshore activities
  • Offshore oil and gas supply chain
  • Offshore logistics
    • Characteristics and common logistics challenges with regard to:
      • Land transport
      • Supply Bases
      • Supply Vessels
      • Offshore installations
    • Integrated Logistics Planning
    • Management of Logistics Planning and IT-solutions  
  • Supply Chain Cases / Benchmarking - Illustration of relevant current supply chain issues collected from different cases around the world
  • Official guidelines for safe logistics operations; O&G and Wind
  • Upstream offshore logistics planning
    • Typical offshore upstream logistics activities
    • Cargo transportation to supply bases
    • Supply vessel routing
    • Periodic supply vessel planning
    • Helicopter transportation of personnel to offshore installations
    • Emergency response vessel and helicopter activities

The course is connected to the following study programs

Recommended requirements

The course is aimed for students in petroleum logistics and logistics analytics who have practical experience in mathematical modelling, vehicle routing, and optimization and simulation software.

The student's learning outcomes after completing the course

After completing the course students will will know world trends of offshore activity, challenges and importance of petroleum offshore logistics on the examples of oil and gas companies operating offshore. They will be familiar with the typical supply chain for offshore oil and gas logistics, its upstream and downstream parts, the main challenges of upstream offshore logistics, and the common, relevant and current supply chain management issues. Typical wind farm logistics issues will be also partly covered. The students will learn about offshore upstream logistics typical planning problems, how they can be formulated as optimization and simulation models, and how to implement these models to use for the decision making and analyses.


Forms of teaching and learning

Four weeks of intensive teaching, 12 hours of lectures per week.


Form of assessment: Home assessment

Proportion: 40%

Duration: 1 Semesters

Grouping: Individual

Grading scale: Letter (A - F)

Support material: All printed and written supporting material


Form of assessment: Home assessment

Proportion: 60%

Duration: 1 Semesters

Grouping: Individual

Grading scale: Letter (A - F)

Support material: All printed and written supporting material


Required reading list is given in the LMS at semester start.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 16, 2024 4:30:20 AM