Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Logistics
Lecture Semester:
Teaching language:
½ year

TRA500 European Transport Policies (Autumn 2018)

About the course

Major issues of Focus will be on European Union transport policies with particular focus on commercial and freight transport within individual modes of transport. In the course major policy challenges, goals and means, conflicting interests, and policy impacts nationally and on a European level, are discussed. Key themes are Internal Market, competition, charging and taxation, transport infrastructure, transport and environment, as well as organisation and participation in transport policy-making. particular, the trans-European network (TEN) and EU transport policy documents. The course covers the transport of both passengers and goods by different modes of transportation. Questions about infrastructure, environment, fees and pricing policies and their impact on Norway will be discussed.

The course is connected to the following study programs

Recommended requirements

A basic course in transport economics is advantageous.

The student's learning outcomes after completing the course

The course gives an insight into European transport policies with emphasis on EU transport policies. The student will be able to solve transport policy problems and give advices on transport policy issues.


Set reading to be announced in Fronter by course opening.

Recommended reading litteratur:

Recent EU transport policy documents (Commission White Papers, European Parliament Reports, Council Concluions)

Moussis, Nicholas: Access to the European Union ¿ law, economics, policies, Recent edition; selected chapters

Stevens, Handley. Transport Policy in the European Union. Recent edition; selected chapters

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 16, 2024 4:30:09 AM