Facts about the course

ECTS Credits:
Responsible department:
Faculty of Logistics
Lecture Semester:
Teaching language:
½ year

LOG711 Supply Chain Management I (Autumn 2018)

About the course

The course presents a broad scope of issues within supply chain management. Standard OM-principles/models/theories form the basis of the course. We discuss how those principles/models/theories can be adopted/extended for the use in a supply-chain setting. The focus of the course is put on the inter-organizational aspect of SCM and its management approaches. 

Topics covered (excerpt):

  • generic supply chain strategies and related concepts
  • information sharing and coordination in SCs
  • material flow, queuing theory and capacity management
  • multi-echelon inventory planning/management
  • dynamics and complexity in SCs
  • supply chain network design
  • supply chain risk management
  • 'Circular economy', 'SCM and Big Data' (intended guest lectures)

The students will be introduced to a mixture of qualitative and quantitative methods/models/problems. The latter includes e.g. facility location problems (WLP, gravity model), deterministic/stochastic inventory models and lot-sizing problem algorhitms/heuristics.     


The course is connected to the following study programs

Recommended requirements

Equivalent to requirements for the MSc programme in Logistics.

(Norske studenter uten forkunnskaper i grunnleggende aspekter av SCM/OM anbefales å gjør seg vant med "SCM200 - Kompendium 2018" som er tilgjengelig på http://himoldex.no/emne/scm200-lager-og-produksjonsplanlegging.)  



The student's learning outcomes after completing the course

The successful candidate will have:

  • obtained a good overview of chances and challenges related to the management of SCs in an inter-organizational context
  • gained a thorough knowledge about relevant management techniques/strategies in manufacturing and service supply chains
  • obtained knowledge about state of the art research problems/industry initiatives as subject to guest lectures
  • gained first insights in how to improve her/his analytical and writing skills through the interactive process of preparing her/his home-assignment   

Forms of teaching and learning

Three hours of lectures per week, one hour of exercises per week as 'organized activities'. Successful students will on average need approximately ten more hours per week for supplementary activities such as preparations/follow-ups, readings, homework, assignment and final exam preps.  

(A two-day weekend seminar will be arranged in late November for long-distance learners. Participation is voluntary. The aim of the seminar is to address specific questions/problems of students unable to attend regular classes/exercise sessions in Molde.) 




  • Form of assessment: Written school assessment
  • Proportion: 60%
  • Duration: 4 Hours
  • Grouping: Individual
  • Grading scale: Letter (A - F)
  • Support material: Calculator with empty memory + general dictionary in mother tongue/Norwegian/English in paper version
  • Form of assessment: Home assessment
  • Proportion: 40%
  • Duration: -
  • Grouping: Individual
  • Grading scale: Letter (A - F)
  • Support material: All printed and written supporting material


Click here for reading list

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 16, 2024 4:30:02 AM