Action plan for equality

This document presents an overarching plan with main objectives for the equality work at Molde University College (abbrivated MUC and HiMolde), where the starting point is central issues for the institution as a background for developing an action plan with prioritized measures and concretisations.

An action plan for equality must ensure that HiMolde as a workplace is fair and non-discriminatory for all employees. All employees are treated equally when it comes to, among other things: gender, nationality, cultural background, race and sexual orientation. This policy has been supported in previous action plans. This is also shown by the fact that there is a balanced gender composition in management positions at HiMolde. Although the management should maintain a good equality policy, we suggest that this plan mainly focuses on research positions and the development of research careers at HiMolde. It is in this category that gender balance and support for equality and equality
require the greatest improvement.

The main goal for gender equality at MUC

The main focus and primary area for this action plan is equality in research and teaching, but there will also be a focus on the equality perspective in personnel policy, the study environment and student recruitment. 

  • Equality must be integrated into HiMolde's operations at all levels and professional fields.
  • Framework conditions must be ensured to recruit skilled employees and provide good working conditions and development opportunities for all employees.
  • During this period, a particular focus must be kept on the recruitment and qualification of women for research positions
  • The competence and perspectives of both sexes must characterise research and education at HiMolde.

The action plan is further divided into sub-goals and measures grouped in the following areas:

  1. Research and teaching
  2. Study environment and student recruitment
  3. The equality perspective in personnel policy (general part)

Background for the action plan

Previous national overviews from the university and college sector have pointed out that "only 2 out of 10 professors in Norway are women" (Women in research 2005, NIFU Step.) The current situation at HiMolde shows a similar picture, except for the Department of Health and Social Sciences (HS). 

Retirement pensions and new hires lead to changes in statistics. While HS appears to have a good gender balance at the professor level, the number of research positions is significantly lower than elsewhere. This means that HS has more female college lecturers. This statistic only indicates the number who have reached the top of the career ladder. It says nothing about the process: how it happened, how people are stimulated, what has been achieved in the position, and nothing about the other research positions.

There are two common paths to a scientific career in the university and college sector.

  1. University lecturer/scholarship -->  Associate professor --> Professor
  2. University lecturer/scholarship -->  Senior lecturer --> Associate Professor

There are documented reasons why women do not advance in the scientific career paths. Leboy's (Leboy 20082 ) results show in summary that this is a holistic problem with many causes. In this document, we point out the areas that are problematic at HiMolde, and the ways in which these areas can be improved.

Priority areas for improvement at HiMolde

  • Recruitment
  • Facilitating and supporting a flexible research environment 
  • Competence development and networking

1. 1 Recruitment

An important factor for career development is recruitment. Recruitment starts with each publicly advertised position that touches on relevant areas of the career path. It is a desire at HiMolde to maximise the number of qualified applicants for advertised positions because this will also increase the quality of the personnel. It is therefore recommended that future practice include:

  • Advertising texts that market HiMolde as a good workplace for both sexes
  • Based on Leboy 2008², it is necessary in the advertisement text to encourage women to apply for research positions. This should be done for all positions where there is no equality. We think that underrepresented genders should be identified on the basis of statistics, both at the local and national levels. This should be reflected at the relevant position level - and not at departemental level.
  • In the case of advertisements, there may still be too few female applicants for researcher positions. In such cases, one should , with additional activities, seek to increase the number of applicants. Possible measures could be: Invite special people,
    applicant groups or individuals, extending the application deadline, etc. Statistics show that women are less likely to apply for senior positions or permanent positions due to conditions such as: Uncertainty about their own qualifications, aversion to applying for senior positions and ambivalent feelings in relation to academic leadership (Chesterman, Ross-Smith & Peters, 20053 ).

    Practising this will give the employment agency better opportunities to decide on relevant qualifications, possibly motivating further candidates to apply.

    Financial costs for point 1.1 are estimated at NOK 30,000 a year.

1.3 Competence building and support for network building

This is the most critical area in relation to achievement and development of a research career. With reference to Leboy (2008), women are less likely to receive support as a primary researcher from foundations, to have foundation support renewed, and according 
to Chesterman, Ross-Smith & Peters (2005)³ to be appointed to committees and to be invited as guest lecturers.

This is often linked to measurement indicators and the selector's basic evaluation of prestige and production. This often works as a positive circle, where prestige leads to more funds, and more funds lead to higher prestige. It is therefore important that HiMolde positions women in prestigious and visible positions. Women should be represented as leaders of research groups, as invited lecturers at our conferences, as leaders of project applications, as supervisors of PhD scholars, and as study leaders.

A mentoring program is being introduced with dedicated mentors (docents/professors) and meeting venues. There must also be an active focus on network building nationally and internationally. Financial costs for point 1.3 are estimated at NOK 100,000 a year (travel costs associated with network building) and NOK 20,000 a year (for the mentoring programme).

2 Study environment and student recruitment

Students function both as a resource base of qualified workers and at a teacher/student relations. Molde University College's aim is that all students, regardless of background, should integrate and function socially together. A good social network will promote the learning ability of all students and can be preventive in relation to racism. Emphasis must be placed on facilitating social networking within the various fields of study and levels so that 
the students can gain group affiliation and contact with other fellow students.

Based on the objectives for this plan, HiMolde needs several measures (for detailed measures and actions, see appendix 1 - table 4):

Competence development

  • • Improve educational/professional framework conditions to ensure better flow.
  • • Include students in relevant academic activities (projects, etc.).


  •  Uncover and change gender barriers in education.

In general

  • Review of ethical guidelines with particular regard to student relations.
  • Organize joint social gatherings for Norwegian and foreign students for the various fields of study
  • Financial costs for point 2 are estimated at NOK 50,000 a year

3. The equality perspective in personnel policy

The equality perspective in the personnel policy applies to all employees/employment at HiMolde. For detailed measures and actions, see appendix 1 - table 5).

Announcement texts, job descriptions and quotas when hiring

The Equality Committee wants the call for the underrepresented gender to apply to be included as a fixed element in MUC's advertising texts.

Job advertisements can be a way for HiMolde to present itself as an attractive workplace for both genders.


Conditions are arranged as best as possible so that employees with care obligations can take care leave and reduced or flexible working hours. In particular, emphasis is placed on men being able to take carer's leave in the same way as women. It is important to maintain access to kindergarten for employees.

Sexual harassment

In accordance with the adopted guidelines on sexual harassment, measures must be initiated as soon as sexual harassment is reported/suspected. This applies to both employees and students.


Through local wage negotiations, the parties must ensure that there are no systematic wage differences between women and men. Criteria for wage determination in employment and local wage negotiations must be gender-neutral, and work of equal value must be paid equally regardless of subject area.

Financial instruments

The board of MUC sets aside annual funds for the implementation of prioritised equality measures. Included in this are funds for the scheme for administrative skills development 4 .

Organization and management

HiMolde will work to ensure that equality becomes a visible theme and that the work for equality is integrated into the regular 
business. Fulfill § 28 of the Equality Act 5: When a public body appoints or elects committees, boards, councils, tribunals etc. both sexes must be represented in the following way:

  • If the committee has two or three members, both sexes must be represented.
  •  If the committee has four or five members, each gender must be represented by at least two.
  •  If the committee has six to eight members, each gender must be represented by at least three.
  • If the committee has nine members, each gender must be represented by at least four, and has the committee more members, each gender must be represented by at least 40 per cent.
  • The rules in nos. 1 to 4 apply correspondingly to the election of deputy members.
  • Women and men must have equal opportunities for professional development and advancement.

4. Conlusion

The Act on Universities and Colleges (In Norwegian) states in § 6-2 Equality 6 that "Universities and colleges must work actively, purposefully and systematically for gender equality for all categories of positions at the institution". The action plan for gender equality at
HiMolde must be indicative. It must, therefore, be included in all strategic planning processes. In addition, managers at all levels must grasp the plan in order to concretise and realise the goals, so that "Equality in everyday life" (see Appendix 1) becomes a
natural part of the working environment.

The management at MUC is mainly responsible for the action plan being followed up and becoming an active management tool. Financial support to be able to carry out the measures is absolutely crucial here.

Published Jan. 18, 2024 3:11 PM - Last modified Jan. 22, 2024 11:09 PM