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Sustainable Urban Development and Mobility

The group gathers researchers working with various perspectives on urban development and mobility. We are interested in the overall question: how can we plan for more sustainable and inclusive cities?

Research group leader

Lisa Hansson picture Lisa Hansson E-mail: Phone: +4771195809

In the group, we study the connection between the physical structure of the city, social aspects, and mobility. Through more sustainable urban transport systems, we can reduce the environmental and climate impact from the transport sector and free up urban space for other uses.

We also work with questions related to physical activity linked to urban development as well as aspects of land use and regulation. The group has a problem-oriented approach where we depart from the challenges of the city and link them to theoretical perspectives on planning, governance and regulation.

Examples of research include

•    Economic and social effects of the governance of public transport
•    The 15-minute city and active mobility
•    Power and knowledge in infrastructure planning of major road projects
•    Sport development and urban integration
•    Politics, citizen participation, and decision-making processes of car-reducing instruments in cities
•    Planning and governance of urban logistics
•    Public procurement of urban transport
•    Dispensation aspects according to the Planning and Building Act

The group is interdisciplinary, with members from the Transport research group at the Department of Logistics, the Sport Management group, and the Law group at the Department of Economics and Social Sciences.


Published Aug. 21, 2024 1:38 PM - Last modified Aug. 21, 2024 1:47 PM