Associations between sepsis and cancer - population-based studies in Norway

Sepsis and cancer are both major public health problems, each responsible for more than 10 mill deaths each year. They share several pathophysiological features and are both a result of the inability of the host`s immune system to cope with the initial insult (tissue invasion by pathogens and malignant cell transformation, respectively).

Foto: HiMolde

While the prevention of severe infection and sepsis among cancer patients has been much focused both in research and in the clinical setting, the potential for better cancer control after sepsis has received far less attention.

This project uses unique national health registers in Norway to investigate associations between the diseases, with the main aim to gain new insights into the role of sepsis in cancer development and the long-term risk of sepsis in cancer survivors.

Mirouse et al, Am J Respir Crit Care, 2020


Study poppulation and design

Patients with sepsis diagnosis that will be linked to the cancer registry to evaluate associations between the diseases.


Project group

Anne-Sofie Furberg  Professor MD, PI, (HiMolde/UiT/UNN)

Lise T Gustad  PhD, (Nord Universitet)

Anne-Marie Rokstad  Professor (HiMolde/Ageing and Health)

Erik Solligård  Professor MD (NTNU/HMR)

Hanne Frydenberg  PhD MD (OUS)

Tor Åge Myklebust  PhD (Kreftregisteret og HMR)

Marit Husby  MD, PhD-student (HiMolde)


Progress and publications

Data analysis currently ongoing.



By Ole Kristian
Published Jan. 18, 2024 9:29 PM - Last modified Jan. 18, 2024 9:29 PM