MIIBS: Recent Publications



  • Li, Rebecca Yu, Carlos M. P. Sousa, Xinming He, and Yansong Hu (2022), “Spinning Straw into Gold: Innovation Recycling, Innovation Sourcing Modes, and Innovation Ability in Sub-Saharan Africa”. Journal of Product Innovation Management. Vol. 39 (5) pp. 583-603. https://doi.org/10.1111/jpim.12643.
  • Tsinopoulos, Christos, Ji Yan, and Carlos M. P. Sousa (2019), “Abandoning Innovation Activities and Performance: The moderating role of openness”. Research Policy. Vol. 48 (6) pp. 1399-1411.
  • Nujen, Bella Belerivana; Halse, Lise Lillebrygfjeld; Damm, Rickard & Gammelsæter, Hallgeir (2018). Managing reversed (global) outsourcing : the role of knowledge, technology and time. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management.  ISSN 1741-038X.  29(4), s 676- 698 
  • Tsinopoulos, Christos; Carlos M. P. Sousa &  Ji Yan (2018). Proces s innovation: open innovation and the moderating role of the motivation to achieve legitimacyThe Journal of Product Innovation Management.  ISSN 0737-6782. 35(1), s 27- 48 .
  •  Halse, Lise Lillebrygfjeld (2017). The evolution and transformation of industrial clusters: A conceptual model.International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management (IJMTM).  ISSN 1368-2148.  31(1-3), s 176- 191. 

International Business

  • van Oorschot, Kimball Elizabeth; Nujen, Bella B.; Solli-Sæther, Hans Arthur & Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward (2022). The complexity of post-mergers and acquisitions reorganization : integration and differentiationGlobal Strategy Journal. ISSN 2042-5791. doi: 10.1002/gsj.1454.
  • Aguzzoli, Roberta López, Jorge Lengler, Carlos M. P. Sousa, and Gabriel R. G. Benito (2021), “Here We Go Again: A Case Study on Re-entering a Foreign Market” British Journal of Management. 32(2), s 416-434. DOI:10.1111/1467-8551.12407
  • Amdam, Rolv Petter Storvik; Lunnan, Randi; Bjarnar, Ove & Halse, Lise Lillebrygfjeld (2020). Keeping up with the neighbors: The role of cluster identity in internationalization. Journal of World Business.  ISSN 1090-9516.  55(5), s 1- 13 . doi: 10.1016/j.jwb.2020.101125
  • Chen, Jieke, Carlos M. P. Sousa , and Xinming He (2019), “Export Market Re-entry: Time-out Period and Price/Quality Dynamisms”. Journal of World Business. 54(2), s 154-168.
  • Gomes, Emanuel; Ferran Vendrell-Herrero; Kamel Mellahi; Duncan Angwin & Carlos M. P. Sousa (2018). Testing the self-selection theory in high corruption environments : evidence from African SMEs. International Marketing Review.  ISSN 0265-1335.  35(5), s 733- 759.
  • Tan, Qun & Carlos M. P. Sousa (2018). Performance and business relatedness as drivers of exit decision : a study of MNCs from an emerging country. Global Strategy Journal.  ISSN 2042-5805.  8(4), s 612- 634. 
  • Li, Min; Xinming He & Carlos M. P. Sousa (2017). A review of the empirical research on export channel selection between 1979 and 2015. International Business Review.  ISSN 0969-5931.  26(2), s 303- 323. 
  • Dolles, Harald & Egilsson, Birnir (2017). Sports expatriates, In Yvonne McNulty & Jan Selmer (ed.),  Research handbook of expatriates.  Edward Elgar Publishing.  ISBN 9781784718176.  Kapittel 18.  s 350 - 367.
Published Dec. 5, 2018 12:28 PM - Last modified Dec. 15, 2022 1:12 PM