Legal Science

Molde University College started a bachelor’s program in legal science in 2020. Since then, we have increased staff with master’s degrees in legal science, which has led to an increased need for a dedicated research group in legal science.

Research group leader

Kari Grethe Koppang Welle E-mail: Phone: +4771195937


The group will cover both public law and private law topics, where one gets the opportunity to discuss current issues, legal questions in need of clarification, and especially legal issues within the various subjects we teach at the University College. Since the number of lawyers at the University College is not very high, we see it as an advantage to gather all lawyers in a research group regardless of the field of study, as it will lead to good discussions across the legal areas.


Published Aug. 21, 2024 1:32 PM - Last modified Aug. 21, 2024 2:51 PM