4 pilot studies completed

We are in the process of conducting pilot tests on four different courses that we have developed in the project.

The courses represent soft, hard, and digital skills.

61 individuals from different countries in Europe (nurses and doctors) have gone through the pilots.

They are generally satisfied, and the purpose of the pilot is to receive feedback. We have received valuable suggestions for improvements - including that they want less focus on AI and more focus on their daily work.

Once we are finished with the pilots, they will be implemented on a full scale in the new platform.

Content of the pilots:

Two of the courses focus on technology (hard skills: programming of pacemakers and testing of them), while the other two courses cover soft skills - that is, "what you need to remember when transitioning to primary care services (home care).

The third focuses on emotional intelligence and stress handling in a hospital setting. The last course is about Patient safety.

Thank you to our team and collaborators! 

Learn more about the research project over at ehospital4future.eu

Tags: e-hospital4future
Published Mar. 15, 2024 6:25 PM - Last modified Mar. 15, 2024 6:25 PM