Research Award

The Research Award was established as an annual recognition and was first awarded in 2021.

Purpose of the Award

To recognize outstanding contributions of academic staff to excellent and innovative research that enhances Molde University College’s reputation at an international level.

Description of Award

The Research Award recognizes innovative and sustained activities in scholarly pursuits to foster intellectual inquiry and research excellence. This annual award recognizes distinguished accomplishments in the pursuit of research activities across the academic disciplines. The award is presented to a member of the faculty who demonstrates the highest standards of excellence in their research, scholarship, and contributions to their field. 

Award Criteria

The committee will exclusively evaluate accomplishments and contributions made within the last five years. The main criterion used to score the applications is:  

  • Articles in high-impact international peer-reviewed publications.

The following criteria are also used to score the applications:

  • Serving on editorial boards,
  • Successful record of external funding,
  • Invited academic presentations, and similar scholarly activities that indicate stature in their field,
  • Serving as a reviewer for funding agencies or other external academic organizations,
  • Leadership in research consortia and centers.


  • Full-time faculty members with a minimum of one year of employment at Molde University College 
  • Candidates who are recipients of the same award in the previous five years will not be eligible.


15.000 NOK

Evaluation Panel

Applications will be assessed by the members of the evaluation committee (consists of three members nominated by the Deans of each faculty). If a member of the committee submits an application, he/she will be excluded from the evaluation panel. Importantly, the committee may decide to not make an award if they feel that none of the applicants has provided evidence of sufficient meritorious achievement in research/scholarship.


Submissions are due by 16 April 2024.

Fill out your submission


The award will be presented at the Opening Ceremony of the Academic year. The winner will be announced on the university’s website. 

Former Research Award Winners

  • 2023 Alex Krumer
  • 2022 Eivind Wang
  • 2021 Lars Magnus Hvattum
Published Mar. 25, 2021 2:21 PM - Last modified May 7, 2024 4:52 PM