
Results expected to be achieved through successful implementation of the project

1)   4 jointly developed research-based courses to be integrated in MSc study programs in Logistics and Petroleum Logistics at MUC and PUC-Rio:

  • Offshore Logistics (including oil, gas and wind);
  • Renewable Energy Logistics;
  • Downstream Oil and Gas Logistics;
  • Logistics Planning under Uncertainty;

and a jointly developed curriculum for MSc program in Energy Logistics (including oil, gas and renewables) to be integrated in the academic structure at MUC;

2)   two course and curriculum development workshops annually (one in Molde, one in Rio);

3)   two research workshops annually (one in Molde, one in Rio);

4)   two guest lectures per year at MUC, and 2 guest lectures per year at PUC-Rio, Petrobras or Cenpes;

5)   4 students jointly supervised at MUC and 4 at PUC-Rio;

6)   4 long-term mobility visits (6 months) for Brazilian PhD and/or Post-docs to MUC and 3 long-term (3 months) mobility visits for Norwegian PhD students to Brazil; 4 long-term mobility visits (4 months) for Brazilian MSc students coming to Norway, and 4 long-term (2 months) mobility visits for MSc students from Norway to Brazil;

7)   developed and printed teaching material for 4 courses, 8 MSc theses defended, at least 2 scientific papers submitted each year, 4 students presentations at international scientific conferences each year;

8)   at least 16 visits for students with supervisors organized to industry partners to facilitate student involvement in R&D projects;

9)   4 workshops organized with industry partners;

10)  6 guest lectures from industry partners at MUC and 2 at PUC-Rio.

Status as per 31.12.2019

1)   3 jointly developed research-based courses (Oil and Gas Logistics Planning Under Uncertainty, Integrated Downstream Petroleum Logistics, Offshore Energy Logistics) and a jointly developed curriculum for MSc study program in Sustainable Energy Logistics are integrated in the academic structure at MUC;

2)   4 course development workshops were held (two at MUC, two at PUC-Rio);

3)   11 research workshops were organized (five at MUC, two at PUC-Rio, two at FURJ, and two at Petrobras);

4)   one intensive course taught twice and one intensive course taught once at MUC jointly with Brazilian partners at MUC, and 18 guest-lectures taught at MUC, PUC-Rio and Petrobras university;

5)   10 students from MUC and 3 from PUC-Rio jointly supervised;

6)   three long-term (one PhD and two MSc students) mobility visits from PUC-Rio to MUC, four short-term (two PhD and two MSc students) mobility visits from MUC to PUC-Rio;

7)   developed teaching material for 3 courses at MUC, defended one PhD and 6 MSc theses, 15 presentations at international scientific conferences, published 10 papers and one working paper, two papers accepted;

8)   6 visits of MSc students with supervisors to Norwegian industry partner and two visits of MSc students from Norway to Brazilian industry partner;

9)   6 workshops organized with industry partners, including two workshops where both industry partners participated;

10)  6 guest lectures from Brazilian industry partner and 4 guest lectures from Norwegian industry partner at MUC.

Published Aug. 21, 2020 9:34 PM - Last modified June 19, 2024 1:52 PM