We also have a lot to learn from the Tanzanian culture

My name is Terje Vestad Mehmet, i am a 35-year-old male from Norway/Greece. I am currently taking an bachelor's degree in social education.  

Terje Vestad Mehmet

Terje Vestad Mehmet

I recently participated in the Norec-exchange program between Norway and Tanzania. One of the long-term goals for the project is to bring awareness to the people about children's human rights. This is also one of my areas of interest; children's development, and how physical or psychological violence can affect their development.  

Article 19 in the CRC states that there shall be social and educational arenas to protect all children from any physical or mental violence, injury, abuse or neglect. For instance, corporal punishment is still a common way to 'educate' children in many countries. I believe that with the collaboration between the Norwegian and Tanzanian project-partners, we can learn and adopt each other's strengths and positive values and guiding one another to a healthier environment for the children.  


 After experiencing the cultural differences between Norway and Tanzania, my impression is that we have something to learn from each other. I believe Norway has come further along considering the issue of corporal punishment. Even though Tanzanian laws are restricting the use of corporal punishment, it is still at a very early stage in developing a cultural without using corporal punishment – but a big step in the right direction.  

When truth is to be told, going back 30-40 years, corporal punishment was still common in Norway as well, but slowly the culture changed, whereas today it is strictly forbidden, and a person that uses violence will probably be punished by the law, by going to jail. Teachers that uses corporal punishment will lose their job and license. Parents who are violent might lose the custody of their child.  

One of the things that impressed me very much in Tanzania is the positivity of the people, and their gratefulness. Experiencing how children with both mental and/or physical disabilities are taking care for each other really made an impression on me. One child putting another child's needs before their own was a new and very emotional experience for me. This made me think that we (Norwegians) also have a lot to learn from the Tanzanian culture. The way they care for one another, they smile and always have time to ask other people about their lives and situation. I also envy their ability to make most out of the resources the have available, instead of being irritated or angry about the lack of some resources.  

I would like to thank all my fellow students (both from Norway and Tanzania), teachers and Norec making this an wonderful experience, and an experience to remember.  


Terje Vestad Mehmet 


Published Sep. 18, 2020 12:55 PM - Last modified Sep. 18, 2020 12:55 PM
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