It is very important to strengthen the government schools.

I am Magnus Ramsdal and am a third-year student at Molde University College, studying to become a Social Educator. At the beginning of this year I was a part of a group of students that went to Tanzania for about two months, as participants in this NOREC project. In addition to the project aim, I had two main, personal goals. The first one was to share some of the knowledge that I have learned through my studies, and how this knowledge can be used in order to improve the situation of children with special needs. The second one was about learning about different cultures and how to use that knowledge in my future work life. 

Magnus Ramsdal

During our exchange period in Tanzania, we visited several primary and secondary schools. These were both privately run, and government run. During these visits, I noticed differences between these schools. The private schools had a lot more resources at their disposal, both regarding facilities and number of teachers. The government run schools had very few teachers, and they had to make the most of the tools and resources they had at their disposal. The private schools had room for such as development of learning methods, because they did not need have to comply with shortage resources the same way as the government schools had to do. In other words, the government run schools did not have the ‘luxury’ of being able to focus on such as development of learning methods. 


To my knowledge, since the private schools have good growth opportunities, it would be good if they could share some of their knowledge with the governmental run schools. Reciprocal collaboration, based on knowledge sharing between these two types of schools, should benefit both types of schools and compensate some of the differences. In fact, one of the learning outcomes of this project, is that reciprocal collaboration will benefit both participants, as we all have something to learn from each other.  

I think it is sad that the opportunity to choose a good school, with a lot of resources, depend so much on the family income. Therefore, I think it is very important to strengthen the government schools. The UN convention of the child, article 28, about children and young people’s right to education, states that schools should learn from other countries about how to teach. I would say that this could also be said about schools inside the same country. There is a lot of knowledge in the country that can be used for the greater good if the opportunity for collaboration is in place.

Published Sep. 18, 2020 12:37 PM - Last modified Sep. 18, 2020 12:38 PM
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