A wish to contribute to improve the situation of children with special needs

My name is Sara, I am 23 years old and a social educator student at Molde University College. I am a participant in this NOREC project, which aims to improve life quality of children with special needs, through practice implementation of UN rights. I enjoy working with people, and especially children. The reason that I wanted to join this project was that I had a wish to contribute to improvement of the situation of children with special needs. 



The exchange period in Tanzania gave me many emotionally strong experiences, both positive and negative ones. For example, the lack of resources in the schools, both regarding infrastructure, materiel and personnel to teach and care for the children, made strong impressions on me. The school situation of children with intellectual disabilities was possibly even more insufficient than the situation of other pupils, as these children seemed to suffer from an even greater lack of resources and care than the other pupils. The lack of personnel that were present in the breaks during the school day caused some heartbreaking scenes, such as seeing children being bullied, without interference from adults. I saw many children who did not get their right to protection, care and safety as stated in the UN Convention on the rights of the child (CRC), in article 3: ‘States Parties shall ensure that the institutions, services and facilities responsible for the care or protection of children shall conform with the standards established by competent authorities, particularly in the areas of safety, health, in the number and suitability of their staff, as well as competent supervision’. 

On the other hand, I also had many positive and emotionally touching experiences from the school in Tanzania. Seeing these children play happily together, despite very limited resources is one such example. Another very positive experience is how the children cared for each other and how they tried to help each other. I think this is really worth some reflections and ideas to bring back to Norway. Lack of toys seem to stimulate some good creativity in the children’s playing, a creativity that may be impeded if children have too many toys and possible play choices available. In general, I think that children should be allowed to be children, and that they should not have the responsibilities of adults, such as to take care of other children. However, taking other children’s perspective and try to care and help, should be positive to development of children’s empathy. Furthermore, at some degree, is it not also good also for children to feel that they are important, and that other people need their help?  

Published Sep. 18, 2020 12:48 PM - Last modified Sep. 18, 2020 12:48 PM
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