​​Towards a new understanding of persons with disabilities

Alex Pontian Kaisa’s action plans for improvement of the situation of children with special needs in Tanzania, involved education of the community in order to contribute to a change in mindset of how people see persons with disabilities.

In Tanzania, disabilites is often connected to superstition and there is a lack of knowledge about people with disabilites, their potential and their human rights. Being a real agent of change, Alex has devotedly contacted churches in Busega Region and asked for permission to teach the congregations about children with disabilities and their human rights. His go-ahead spirit has already achieved good results in form of several speeches in different churches in the area – and the people are paying attention!

Alex Pontian Kaisa’s speaking in a church service.

Lately, Alex was also appointed by his director to teach his colleagues about children with disabilities and their human rights. This might be an important step towards a new understanding among Alex’ teacher colleagues.


Published Nov. 30, 2020 10:49 AM - Last modified Nov. 30, 2020 10:49 AM
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