Show love and play together

I am Ruzna. I am 27 years old. I come from Dodoma in Tanzania. I have been working as a teacher. Now I am studying special education at Patandi Teachers School. As part of my study, I am in the Norec-project.

Picture of Ruzna

Ruzna at the Atlantic Road.

During my stay in Molde I have been cooperating with students in Molde in different lectures, such as psychology, risk situations, and in a student project about human rights. We developed a poster and presented the poster to the other students and teachers. I also meet students outside school, for example in Kringstadbukta. I have got experience in finding may around in Molde, to find things I need. Now, I can use the computer to type and to send e-mails. Achievement of such skills have given me self-confidence.

There is only one challenge – the weather conditions. The weather in Norway is cold with heavy rainfalls. I have to wear warm clothes and rain clothes.

In Tanzania, the Ministry of education have told all the schools to offer incisive education. In my school, there are children with disabilities, but we lack technology and techniques in order to provide good education to the children with disabilities. I would like to change this situation. I will educate my fellow teachers about techniques of handling and teach children with special needs. I will invite the staff for a meeting to discuss this.

I would like to guide pupils in how to live with children with special needs, how to show love and play together. I will educate the parents of children with disabilities, in their homes and in school meetings. I want to talk about how to live with and handle these children. My goal is to increase equality in the society.

This picture is from The Atlantic road. Together with my colleges in the Norec-project I was on a bus trip in November, in the western part of Norway. I can promise, it was a great experience, beautiful and very cold.

Published Nov. 20, 2019 1:25 PM - Last modified Nov. 20, 2019 1:25 PM
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