NOREC visitors on the United Nations’ Day

The United Nations’ Day, 24 October, is an important day. It marks the anniversary of the entry into force in 1945 of the UN Charter, the document which constitute the basis for the all UN rights.

Picture of Assosiate Professor Siv Sæbjørnsen.

Assosiate Professor Siv Sæbjørnsen.

To this NOREC project, ‘Children with special needs – Improved life quality through UN rights in practice, Norway and Tanzania’, the 74. celebration of the UN Day was in particular a red-letter day. Not only is it the first UN Day celebration in the project history, but also because a pleasant visit from Jan Olav Baarøy, Director General, NOREC and Tormod Nuland, Network Adviser, NOREC happened on that day.

NOREC’s visit to HIMOLDE implied a project up-date meeting and a cheerful encounter between Tanzanian and Norwegian project participants, HIMOLDE project team and leadership of HIMOLDE and NOREC. Almost two months into the first round of the exchange from PTC to HIMOLDE, preliminary project evaluation indicate that expected project results are about to come through! Such indications inspire further engagement and support the belief that UN principles, step by step, can be implemented in the practice field – for the best of children with special needs. 
The first visit from NOREC at HIMOLDE was limited in terms of time, however, promising in terms of further visits shortly. Thanks to all of you for making the 74. UN Day celebration a very special day!

Picture of students and staff members, together with Jan Olav Baarøy, NOREC Director General and Tormod Nuland, NOREC Network Adviser.
Jan Olav Baarøy, NOREC Director General and Tormod Nuland, NOREC Network Adviser, visited HIMOLDE and the NOREC project on the UN Day, October 24. 2019.


By Siv Sæbjørnsen
Published Oct. 29, 2019 9:27 AM - Last modified Oct. 29, 2019 9:39 AM
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