I am an agent of change

My name is Elia Peter Mgao. I am 29 years old, a Tanzanian, born in Iringa region and currently a student Teacher in special needs Education. I have been working as a teacher for children with no disabilities, for four years. In Usangi primary school found in KALIUA district in Tabora region, I am  motivated to help children and all persons with special needs and any kind of disabilities.

Picture of Elia Peter Mgao.

Elia Peter Mgao.

I am an agent of change and a project participant in Molde (Norway) who real want to change the mind sets of the people who think differently towards children and persons with disabilities. I know very well the human rights, especially the conventions of rights to children with disabilities (CRC) and conventions of rights to persons with disabilities (CRPD).

In my opinion, I think that most of the people in the world  - specific in my country Tanzania need awareness towards people with disabilities because they are:

  • Segregated
  • Humiliated
  • Violated
  • Discriminated and
  • Stigmatized

Its my conviction that persons with disabilities, and especially children, have an equal chance in education, health, job opportunities, security and protection, and participate in political matters such as voting and being voted as leaders furthermore in sports. BECAUSE THEY CAN.

I wish to do the following when I go back to my country Tanzania;

  • Volunteering in spreading my knowledge and creating the awareness to society in my DISTRICT, so that parents cannot hide their children at home for their reasons, I can approach my employer to allow me to go in different areas in my District to convey this knowledge
  • For various meeting to my staff members, so that they understand well the demands of these children
  • Approach the leaders (District Executive Officer) to initiate vocation training school.      

I have experienced that pupils who are failing their last examination, don`t go back to school to try again but stay at home. This includes for example pupils who are deaf. When staying at home, they become a burden to their families and the nation. Its my opinion that through different professions, such as sewing, carpentry, cookery, building construction and the others will help these people to live independently as the conventions insists to be self-independent. 

I will also  approach the leaders to initiate the sports school for children with disabilities
This is very important because it can also reduce the number of dependents and beggars in my district and Nation as whole. Some of the children with intellectual impairment like sports very much. It can also help other children become engaged such as those with hearing impairment and with physical disabilities, the CRC insists much the enjoyment of life to this group of people.

I believe my plans will be achieved since I have a volunteer working spirit towards this exceptional group that consist of real agents of change.

Published Nov. 15, 2019 8:29 AM - Last modified Nov. 15, 2019 8:29 AM
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