Busy days until the last days of the exchange period

The day of return for the Tanzanian project participants on exchange in Norway is getting closer, but they are still very busy. 

The UN international day of Persons with Disabilities, December 3, was marked at Molde University College in Norway, and at the same time at Patandi Teachers College of Special needs education in Arusha, Tanzania. It is important to use this day to create awareness of the rights and situations of persons with disabilities around the world. 

UN international day

On December 4., at the HIMOLDE ‘recruitment day’, some Tanzanian project participants participated with Norwegian students and staff in meeting the county practice field and presenting project posters and leaflets focusing UN rights of children with disabilities. At the same time, two of project participants, Seif and Ruzna, were busy teaching in a teenager class at Tøndergård. The focus in the lesson and following discussions was signification of roots and influence on identity development. The picture bear witnesses about a good atmosphere, and a lesson that was appreciated by pupils as well as teachers.  



December 4. was a particular eventful day. On their own initiative, the Norwegian project participants invited to a party for their Tanzanian fellows at Skålahallen. Everything was arranged and prepared by the Norwegian students. In addition to the project participants, the project team and other project relevant persons were also invited. Although Santa Claus was not visibly present, all the Tanzanians were given a Christmas gift containing a rucksack with a Molde Fotball Club (MFK) suit plus MFK suits for their children!  

christmas gifts
December 5., the UN international Volunteer Day, time has come to give feedback to all the Tanzanian project participants, for their work and engagement in the project while on exchange in Norway. There is no doubt about that they deserve all the honor and acknowledgement they can possibly get. They have not only delivered what we hoped for, but so much more than that. We are grateful to them for their hard work and useful contributions to the project aim: Implementation of UN rights for children with special needs.  
Published Dec. 6, 2019 10:30 AM - Last modified Dec. 6, 2019 10:30 AM
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