Procedures and routines for the PhD Programme in Logistics


Application for admission 

Applicant and supervisor prepare an application concerning admission according to prevailing regulations and rules.  The application is sent to Molde University College. 

  • Rules for Admission to the PhD Degree Programme 
  • Regulations for the PhD Degree Programme at Molde University College

Applicant consideration 

The Doctoral Degree Committee considers applications concerning admission for the PhD Programme.  Letter of admission is sent to the applicant. 

Contract for the PhD Programme

When admission for the study is resolved, an agreement must be made between the student and the University College /supervisor/ possible external part. The signed agreement is sent to the Faculty.  

  • Agreement on admission to PhD Programme 

Programme accomplishment 

Progression report candidate 

PhD students must hand in an annual progression report in December. The report is sent to the Faculty. 

  • Progression report form 

Progression report main supervisor 

Supervisor must hand in an annual progression report in December. The report is sent to the Faculty. 

  • Main supervisor´s progression report form 

Work of duty for students with scholarship  

Scholarship holders who are employed for 4 years have 25 % work of duty 

  • Guidelines for work of duty 

Working capital 

Scholarship holders are allocated working capital.  An application concerning usage of working capital must be sent to the Faculty. The supervisor grants the applications. Scholarship holders who will have a stay abroad must send a distinct application for subsidy.

  • Guidelines for economical support for stay abroad 

Leave of absence 

PhD students may apply for leave of absence. Scholarship holders must also apply for a leave of absence according to the terms of employment 

Change in study programme 

Applications for changes in approved study plan are handled by the Doctoral Degree Committee. 

  • Application for changes in study plan form 

Certificate of participation, Reading courses and Registration of presentations at international conferences 

PhD students must hand in a confirmed copy of course diploma for completed courses and exams to the Faculty. Approved reading courses and presentations at conferences must be registered on a separate form.  The instruction part must be completed and passed before the dates for Trial Lecture and Defence are determined. 

  • Course description for individual reading curriculum/project for PhD students 
  • Registration of presentations at international conferences as part of the PhD courses 

The Faculty will send course diplomas to the Student Office for registration. Course diplomas etc is kept in the student files. 

PhD seminars 

A compulsory seminar for PhD students and supervisors is arranged annually.  The seminar is held in the spring semester and is open to the public. 

Midway evaluation 

A midway evaluation must be conducted before the candidate has reached 2/3 of the planned duration of the doctoral work. 

Preparing for Defence

Appointment of Evaluation Committee 

The supervisor will propose an Evaluation Committee for evaluation of the thesis, the trial lecture and the defence. The appointment is made by the Doctoral Degree Committee.  The Faculty will send a letter to the members concerning the appointment. A contract is enclosed or forwarded. The doctoral candidate is informed about the composition of the committee. 

  • Guidelines for appointment of Evaluation Committee  
  • Proposal for appointment of the Evaluation Committee form 

Submission of the PhD thesis

Application for evaluation of the PhD thesis must be submitted to the Faculty.   When the application is approved, the thesis is submitted in the approved format and in accordance with the university college’s rules.    Co-author declarations must be submitted (when required)  Along with the thesis, the candidate must submit a description of the work on a separate press release form.  The thesis must be available to the public 2 weeks prior to the defence. 

  • Layout requirements for PhD theses at HiMolde  
  • Application for evaluation of the PhD thesis - english - norwegian
  • Co-author declaration form  
  • Press release form 

Evaluation of the candidate`s work

The Evaluation Committee gives the subject for the Trial Lecture 10 working days prior to the appointed date for the lecture.  Time for Trial Lecture and Defence is also announced.  The Faculty will book a room and provide for other necessary equipment in connection to the Defence. 

  • Subject for Trial lecture form 



The defence is normally held within 6 months after submission of the thesis, but no earlier than 5 weeks after the committee`s findings are available The Defence is led by the leader of the Doctoral Degree Committee or whomever the leader authorizes. 

After the Trial Lecture and the Defence, the Evaluation Committee submits a report on the Doctoral Degree test on a separate form to the Faculty.

Molde University College will confer the degree if this is passed. Molde University College will send a letter to the candidate about the resolution. The Doctoral diploma is signed by Rector and Executive director, and will include the title of the thesis, topic of the trial lecture, supervisors and a list of subjects for instruction. In addition to the Doctoral diploma, the Doctor will get a diploma signed by Rector and the Dean. 

  • Administrative routines and checklist for the defence 
Published Feb. 28, 2024 3:23 PM - Last modified June 21, 2024 10:05 AM