Admission to the PhD Degree Programme in Logistics

Submit the application to the University College for consideration by the Doctoral Degree Committee.

Deadline for Applications

Applicants with their own funding can apply anytime during the academic year.  Applicants with financial aid from Molde University College should apply as soon as possible after receiving notification that financial assistance has been granted.

What will be evaluated?

Applicants appointed as a research fellow (stipendiat) by the college are normally automatically qualified for the doctoral degree, but they need to submit a formal application. 

What must the application include?

  • Personal information and CV
  • Transcripts of relevant higher education.  If you have been offered a phd scholarship at Molde University college,  submission of certified copies of transcripts or diploma is not required. 
  • A short description of the project.
  • Plan of progress.
  • List of pure PhD-courses that total 30 ECTS, including the obligatory content and electives.
  • Name of proposed supervisor(s).  The main supervisor must be employed by the university college.  All supervisors must have been asked and be willing to be supervisors, but the final decision about supervisors is made by the doctoral committee.
  • Information about study or reserach stay abroad.
  • Overview of applicants plan for financing the study (not necessary if the candidate is already offered a scholarship by the university).

What should the list of courses include?

  • DRL005 Philosophy of Science (5 ECTS) offered by HiMolde.
  • At least 5 ECTS must be doctoral courses explicitly related to logistics, supply chain management or transport economics.
  • At least 5 ECTS must be within relevant research methodology

Changes are always possible. An application for changes must be sent to the doctoral committee using a designated form. 

Stay in a foreign country

Study or research in a foreign country is desirable, but not required.  A stay abroad can be used to take relevant courses and to obtain expertise not available at Molde University College.  Admission will not be refused based on this point, but it should be stated that there are no current plans to go abroad.  In such cases the application will be looked at as one that exempts the applicant from this requirement, but it must be justified.  Financing of this trip must also be discussed and it must be clear to what extent extra financing is required or whether it is only desirable.


Admission to the program is contingent upon satisfactory funding.  An applicant who is a research fellow/stipendiat has per definition adequate funding. Alternative equivalent funding from employers require a special contract to be signed with the employer (e.g. for industrial PhDs).


The application must be submitted digitally. In the application form you must upload various files: Project proposal, study and progressplan, CV and if necessary, copies of diploma. 


Published May 7, 2020 10:56 AM - Last modified June 21, 2024 10:33 AM