DRL007 PhD Course in Cost-Benefit Analysis

The general objective is to learn about the state of the art in Cost-Benefit Analysis for various sectors. There is an increasing need for evaluation and ranking of projects within constrained public budgets. CBA is one of the methods that are extensively used in the economic impact assessment of projects in the public sector.

Originally, CBA was developed and applied within transportation, but has gained increasing attention also within environmental assessment, health care and cultural economics. The course covers fundamental theoretical and empirical issues and applies these to actual case studies.


  • The theoretical and conceptual platform covers topics like consumer and producer surplus measures, efficiency and equity, opportunity costs, imperfect markets, external effects, network effects, public goods, cost-efficiency analysis, constraints based on rights and politics, CBA and decision-making, critique of CBA
  • The discount rate, systematic and unsystematic risks
  • Non-market valuation. Methods like Contingent Valuation and Stated Preferences to measure the economic value of intangibles like travel time, environment impacts, health care effects and traffic safety measures

Case studies (adjustments may occur)

  • Climate change and the environment
  • Health care
  • Petroleum and Energy
  • Transport
  • Wider Economic Impacts from changes in transport systems


  • The course is aimed at Norwegian and foreign PhD students, researchers and consultants, and public sector employees working with economic impact assessment.
  • The deadline for application is 15 October 2023.
  • Application form: https://nettskjema.no/a/351685
  • The course is free of charge for PhD students. Others will be charged a fee of NOK 15.000,-, which includes course material and the Course Dinner.
  • Module leader: Associate Professor Eivind Tveter: eivind.tveter@himolde.no
  • Contact person: Øystein Nerland: oystein.nerland@himolde.no

More information can be found at:


Published Aug. 24, 2023 2:50 PM - Last modified Aug. 24, 2023 2:50 PM