PhD Course DRL029 - Survey research design and PLS-SEM

 This course aims to expose students to the trappings of high-quality survey research targeted for publication in top-ranking journals. The course will address the entire journey from designing to publishing a survey-based study.

About the course

Survey-based research has been and will continue to be essential in advancing theory and practice in several disciplines. However, publishing survey-based studies in top-ranking journals is challenging. The main criticism is often regarding the validity of the insights provided by such studies. To be successful, researchers must adhere to the conditions under which a study may offer reliable and valid findings. 

See more details about the course


Application deadline for application is 15 March 2022 APPLICATION FORM

More information can be found at:

Module leader: Associate Professor Deodat Edward Mwesiumo:
Contact person: Øystein Nerland:

Published Jan. 18, 2022 3:54 PM - Last modified Jan. 26, 2022 1:46 PM