Deodat Edward Mwesiumo

Faculty of Logistics
Image of Deodat Edward Mwesiumo
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Professor in Supply Chain Management
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Research areas

  • Supply chain management
  • Digital business 
  • Tourism management


Deodat Mwesiumo holds a PhD in logistics from Molde University College (MUC), specializing in Supply Chain Management. Deodat has extensive teaching experience, being involved in facilitating learning since  2012. He currently serves as head of the research group in supply chain management and a member of the PhD committee at Molde University College. He previously served as director for the bachelor program in supply chain management and logistics at MUC. Deodat's research output has been featured in leading international journals such as Production Planning and Control (ABS 3), Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management (ABS 3), International Journal of Production Research (ABS 3), Journal of Business Research (ABS 3), Journal of Travel Research (ABS 4), Tourism Management (ABS 4), Global Strategy Journal (ABS 4), Annals of Tourism Research (ABS 4), Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice (ABS 3), and Technovation (ABS 3). Deodat has been involved in several externally funded projects.




2023 -   SCM120: Principles of value chain management (Level: BSc, first year)**

2022 -   DRL029: Survey research design and PLS-SEM (Level: PhD)**

2022 -   LOG510: Value chain analysis (Level: BSc)**

2019 -   SCM702: Purchasing and supply theory (Level: MSc)**

2015 -   LOG206: Digital business management (Level: BSc)**



2019-2020 - LOG708: Applied statistics  (Level: MSc)*

2019-2020 - LOG904-101: Research design (Level: MSc)*

2013 - 2013 - MAT110: Statistikk 1 (Level: BSc)^

2012  - 2012 - IM306: Introduction to operations research (University of Dar es Salaam)*

** Course I have developed and taught
 *  Course I have taught

  Assistant teacher



  • Similä, Jan Ole & Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward (2024). Implementing public procurement of green innovations : does structural alignment matter? Journal of Cleaner Production. ISSN 0959-6526. 461(July). doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2024.142562.
  • Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward; Nujen, Bella B; Utvær, Anette & Orheim, Martin (2024). Steering through the storm: a process framework to guide purchasing and supply managers in navigating low-probability-high-impact disruptions. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management. ISSN 1741-038X. doi: 10.1108/JMTM-04-2023-0136.
  • Nujen, Bella B; Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward; Alfnes, Erlend & Tomasgard, Tore (2024). Demystifying operator 4.0 through an integrative framework. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management. ISSN 1741-038X. doi: 10.1108/JMTM-01-2023-0013.
  • Similä, Jan Ole; Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward; Langseth, Marius & Haddara, Moataz Mohamed (2024). Exploring the Antecedents and Implications of Data-Driven Decision-Making in Public Procurement. International Journal of procurement management. ISSN 1753-8432. doi: 10.1504/IJPM.2023.10060738.
  • Moradlou, Hamid; Boffelli, Albachiara; Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward; Benstead, Amy; Roscoe, Samuel & Khayyam, Sanaa (2023). Building parallel supply chains : how the manufacturing location decision influences supply chain ambidexterity. British Journal of Management. ISSN 1045-3172. doi: 10.1111/1467-8551.12757.
  • Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward; Harun, Magoti Daniel & Hogset, Heidi (2023). Unravelling the black box between coopetition and firms' sustainability performance. Industrial Marketing Management. ISSN 0019-8501. 114(October), p. 110–124. doi: 10.1016/j.indmarman.2023.08.008.
  • Harun, Magoti Daniel; Hogset, Heidi & Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward (2023). Dynamic capabilities and sustainability performance : exploring the moderating role of environmental dynamism in the Norwegian fishing industry. Sustainable Development. ISSN 0968-0802. 31(4), p. 2636–2655. doi: 10.1002/sd.2536.
  • Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward; Halpern, Nigel; Bråthen, Svein; Budd, Thomas & Suau-Sanchez, Pere (2023). Perceived benefits as a driver and necessary condition for the willingness of air passengers to provide personal data for non-mandatory digital services at airports. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. ISSN 0965-8564. 171(May), p. 1–16. doi: 10.1016/j.tra.2023.103659.
  • Nujen, Bella B.; Kvadsheim, Nina Pereira; Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward; Reke, Eivind & Powell, Daryl (2023). Knowledge obstacles when transitioning towards circular economy: an industrial intra-organisational perspective. International Journal of Production Research. ISSN 0020-7543. 61(24), p. 8618–8633. doi: 10.1080/00207543.2022.2158243. Full text in Research Archive
  • Nujen, Bella B.; Alfnes, Erlend; Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward; Gran, Erik & Tomasgard, Tore (2022). Centralized vs Decentralized Production Planning in ETO Environments: A Theoretical Discussion. In Kim, Duck Young; von Cieminski, Gregor & Romero, David (Ed.), Advances in production management systems : smart manufacturing and logistics systems : turning ideas into action : IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2022, Gyeongju, South Korea, September 25–29, 2022, Proceedings, Part II. Springer. ISSN 978-3-031-16411-8. p. 329–338. doi: https:/ Full text in Research Archive
  • Harun, Magoti Daniel; Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward; Hogset, Heidi & Ramudhin, Amar (2022). Practicing coopetition for food supply chain sustainability : a contextual perspective in the Norwegian fishing industry. International Journal of Sustainable Engineering. ISSN 1939-7038. 15(1), p. 228–241. doi: 10.1080/19397038.2022.2131932. Full text in Research Archive
  • Benstead, Amy V.; Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward; Moradlou, Hamid & Boffelli, Albachiara (2022). Entering the world behind the clothes that we wear : practical applications of blockchain technology. Production planning & control (Print). ISSN 0953-7287. doi: 10.1080/09537287.2022.2063173.
  • van Oorschot, Kim; Nujen, Bella B.; Solli-Sæther, Hans Arthur & Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward (2022). The complexity of post-mergers and acquisitions reorganization : integration and differentiation. Global Strategy Journal. ISSN 2042-5791. 13(3), p. 673–699. doi: 10.1002/gsj.1454. Full text in Research Archive
  • Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward & Abdalla, Moh'd (2022). Exploring the relative importance of epistemic value, value for money and perceived safety in visitors’ evaluation of a destination. Current Issues in Tourism. ISSN 1368-3500. doi: 10.1080/13683500.2022.2105197.
  • Abdalla, Moh'd Juma; Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward; Öztüren, Ali & Kılıç, Hasan (2022). Perceived threat of informal players : enhancing the operational performance of inbound tour operators through coopetition. The international journal of tourism research. ISSN 1099-2340. 24(6), p. 775–785. doi: 10.1002/jtr.2544. Full text in Research Archive
  • Nujen, Bella B.; Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward & Solli-Sæther, Hans (2022). Repatriating back home : implications of local and global value chains on backshoring readiness. In Larimo, Jorma; Arte, Pratik; Sousa, Carlos M.P. ; Ghauri, Pervez N. & Mata, José (Ed.), Research handbook on foreign exit, relocation and re-entry : theoretical perspectives and empirical evidence. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISSN 978-1-80088-713-8. p. 310–327. doi: 10.4337/9781800887145.00022.
  • Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward; Nujen, Bella B.; Aspelund, Jens Gunnar & Helland, Vetle (2022). Approaches to governance of risks beyond first-tier suppliers. International Journal of procurement management. ISSN 1753-8432. 15(2), p. 160–181. doi: 10.1504/IJPM.2022.121159.
  • Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward; Halfdanarson, Jon & Shlopak, Mikhail (2021). Navigating the early stages of a large sustainability-oriented rural tourism development project : lessons from Træna, Norway. Tourism Management. ISSN 0261-5177. 89(April), p. 1–11. doi: 10.1016/j.tourman.2021.104456. Full text in Research Archive
  • Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward; Nujen, Bella B. & Kvadsheim, Nina Pereira (2021). A systematic approach to implementing multi-sourcing strategy in engineer-to-order production. In Dolgui, Alexandre; Bernard, Alain; Lemoine, David; von Cieminski, Gregor & Romero, David (Ed.), Advances in Production Management Systems : Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable and Resilient Production Systems : IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2021, Nantes, France, September 5–9, 2021, Proceedings, Part IV. Springer Nature. ISSN 978-3-030-85909-1. p. 381–389. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-85910-7_40.
  • Kvadsheim, Nina Pereira; Nujen, Bella B. & Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward (2021). The most critical decisions in manufacturing : implications for a circular economy. In Dolgui, Alexandre; Bernard, Alain; Lemoine, David; von Cieminski, Gregor & Romero, David (Ed.), Advances in Production Management Systems : Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable and Resilient Production Systems : IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2021, Nantes, France, September 5–9, 2021, Proceedings, Part III . Springer Nature. ISSN 978-3-030-85905-3. p. 360–368. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-85906-0_40.
  • Nujen, Bella B.; Kvadsheim, Nina Pereira; Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward; Reke, Eivind & Powell, Daryl (2021). Transition towards circular economy : an intraorganizational perspective identifying knowledge wastes. In Dolgui, Alexandre; Bernard, Alain; Lemoine, David; von Cieminski, Gregor & Romero, David (Ed.), Advances in Production Management Systems : Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable and Resilient Production Systems : IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2021, Nantes, France, September 5–9, 2021, Proceedings, Part I. Springer Nature. ISSN 978-3-030-85873-5. p. 758–766. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-85874-2_83.
  • Budd, Thomas; Suau-Sanchez, Pere; Halpern, Nigel; Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward & Bråthen, Svein (2021). An assessment of air passenger confidence a year into the COVID-19 crisis : a segmentation analysis of passengers in Norway. Journal of Transport Geography. ISSN 0966-6923. 96(October), p. 1–12. doi: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2021.103204. Full text in Research Archive
  • Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward; Halpern, Nigel; Budd, Thomas; Suau-Sanchez, Pere & Bråthen, Svein (2021). An exploratory and confirmatory composite analysis of a scale for measuring privacy concerns. Journal of Business Research. ISSN 0148-2963. 136(November), p. 63–75. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2021.07.027. Full text in Research Archive
  • Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward; Abdalla, Moh’d Juma; Ozturen, Ali & Kılıç, Hasan (2021). Effect of a perceived threat of informal actors on the business performance of formal actors : inbound tour operators' perspective . Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. ISSN 1054-8408. 38(5), p. 527–540. doi: 10.1080/10548408.2021.1952146. Full text in Research Archive
  • Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward; Nujen, Bella B. & Buvik, Arnt (2021). Driving collaborative supply risk mitigation in buyer-supplier relationships. Supply Chain Forum: an International Journal. ISSN 1625-8312. 22(4), p. 347–359. doi: 10.1080/16258312.2021.1932567. Full text in Research Archive
  • Halpern, Nigel & Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward (2021). Airport service quality and passenger satisfaction: The impact of service failure on the likelihood of promoting an airport online. Research in Transportation Business and Management (RTBM). ISSN 2210-5395. 41, p. 1–15. doi: 10.1016/j.rtbm.2021.100667. Full text in Research Archive
  • Nujen, Bella B.; Solli-Sæther, Hans; Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward & Hammer, Bianca Johanna (2021). Reputational risk as a factor in the offshore location choice. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management. ISSN 1478-4092. 27(2), p. 1–13. doi: 10.1016/j.pursup.2021.100682.
  • Halpern, Nigel; Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward; Budd, Thomas; Suau-Sanchez, Pere & Bråthen, Svein (2021). Segmentation of passenger preferences for using digital technologies at airports in Norway. Journal of Air Transport Management. ISSN 0969-6997. 91(March), p. 1–13. doi: 10.1016/j.jairtraman.2020.102005. Full text in Research Archive
  • Halpern, Nigel; Budd, Thomas; Suau-Sanchez, Pere; Bråthen, Svein & Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward (2021). Conceptualising airport digital maturity and dimensions of technological and organisational transformation. Journal of Airport Management. ISSN 1750-1938. 15(2), p. 182–203.
  • Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward; Glavee-Geo, Richard; Olsen, Kjetil Magnus & Svenning, Geir Arne (2020). Improving public purchaser attitudes towards public procurement of innovations. Technovation. ISSN 0166-4972. 101(March), p. 1–13. doi: 10.1016/j.technovation.2020.102207. Full text in Research Archive
  • Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward; Kvadsheim, Nina Pereira & Nujen, Bella B. (2020). The potential for purchasing function to enhance circular economy business models for ETO production. In Lalic, Bojan; Majstorovic, Vidosav; Marjanovic, Ugljesa; von Cieminski, Gregor & Romero, David (Ed.), Advances in production management systems : Towards smart and digital manufacturing : IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2020, Novi Sad, Serbia, August 30 – September 3, 2020, Proceedings, Part II . Springer. ISSN 9783030579975. p. 557–564. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-57997-5_64.
  • Halpern, Nigel; Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward; Suau-Sanchez, Pere; Budd, Thomas & Bråthen, Svein (2020). Ready for digital transformation? The effect of organisational readiness, innovation, airport size and ownership on digital change at airports. Journal of Air Transport Management. ISSN 0969-6997. 90(January), p. 1–11. doi: 10.1016/j.jairtraman.2020.101949. Full text in Research Archive
  • Zhang, Wei; Tveter, Eivind & Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward (2020). Exploring tourists’ experiences using digital resources : analyzing Chinese tourists visiting the Geiranger fjord using travel blogs. In Halvorsen, Lars Julius; Stokken, Roar; Rogne, Wenke Mork & Erdal, Ivar John (Ed.), Digital samhandling : Fjordantologien 2020. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 978-82-15-03739-4. p. 88–102. doi: 10.18261/9788215037394-2020-05. Full text in Research Archive
  • Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward; Buvik, Arnt & Andersen, Otto (2020). Contractual safeguarding of specific assets in cross-border and domestic buyer–supplier relationships. Journal of Strategic Contracting and Negotiation. ISSN 2055-5636. 4(3), p. 167–185. doi: 10.1177/2055563620918866.
  • Halpern, Nigel; Budd, Thomas; Suau-­Sanchez, Pere; Bråthen, Svein & Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward (2019). Towards Airport 4.0: Airport Digital Maturity and Transformation, Proceedings of the 23rd World Conference of the Air Transport Research Society. VU University.
  • Kvadsheim, Nina Pereira; Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward & Emblemsvåg, Jan (2019). Examining circular economy business models for engineer-to-order products. In Ameri, Farhad; Stecke, Kathryn E.; von Cieminski, Gregor & Kiritsis, Dimitris (Ed.), Advances in Production Management Systems. Production Management for the Factory of the Future : IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2019, Austin, TX, USA, September 1–5, 2019, Proceedings, Part I. Springer. ISSN 978-3-030-29999-6. p. 570–578. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-30000-5_70.
  • Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward; Olsen, Kjetil Magnus; Svenning, Geir Arne & Glavee-Geo, Richard (2019). Implementing public procurement of innovations in an organization: lessons from Norway. Journal of Public Procurement. ISSN 1535-0118. 19(3), p. 252–274. doi: 10.1108/JOPP-11-2018-0045. Full text in Research Archive
  • Nujen, Bella; Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward; Solli-Sæther, Hans; Slyngstad, Andrea Blindheim & Halse, Lise Lillebrygfjeld (2019). Backshoring readiness. Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing. ISSN 2398-5364. 12(1), p. 172–195. doi: 10.1108/JGOSS-05-2018-0020.
  • Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward; Halpern, Nigel & Buvik, Arnt (2019). Effect of detailed contracts and partner irreplaceability on interfirm conflict in cross-border package tour operations : inbound tour operator’s perspective. Journal of Travel Research. ISSN 0047-2875. 58(2), p. 298–312. doi: 10.1177/0047287517746016.
  • Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward & Halpern, Nigel (2018). Acquiescence and conflict in exchanges between inbound tour operators and their overseas outbound partners : a case study on Tanzania. Tourism Management. ISSN 0261-5177. 69(December), p. 345–355. doi: 10.1016/j.tourman.2018.06.016.
  • Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward & Halpern, Nigel (2018). Effect of component failure on tour package evaluation. Annals of Tourism Research. ISSN 0160-7383. 72(September), p. 172–174. doi: 10.1016/j.annals.2018.03.002.
  • Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward & Halpern, Nigel (2017). A review of empirical research on interorganizational relations in tourism. Current Issues in Tourism. ISSN 1368-3500. 22(4), p. 428–455. doi: 10.1080/13683500.2017.1390554.
  • Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward & Halpern, Nigel (2016). Interfirm conflicts in tourism value chains. Tourism Review. ISSN 1660-5373. 71(4), p. 259–271. doi: 10.1108/TR-07-2016-0020.

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  • Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward & Hole, Glenn (2024). Fundamentals of digital business management . Pytagoras forlag. ISBN 9788293995074.
  • Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward (2023). Making value chains work : a comprehensive introduction . Pytagoras forlag. ISBN 9788293995050. 167 p.

View all works in Cristin

  • Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward (2024). Ja takk, begge deler! Panorama : nettavis for Høgskolen i Molde.
  • Halpern, Nigel; Bråthen, Svein; Budd, Thomas; Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward & Suau-Sanchez, Pere (2023). Airport digital capabilities and passenger preferences for using digital technologies at airports in Norway.
  • Langseth, Marius; Similä, Jan Ole & Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward (2023). From ad-hoc to structured contract management – a longitudinal case study in public procurement.
  • Langseth, Marius; Similä, Jan Ole & Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward (2022). Fra ad-hoc til strukturert kontraktsoppfølging.
  • Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward; Similä, Jan Ole & Langseth, Marius (2022). Strategisk orientering og ytelse av offentlige anskaffelser i Norge.
  • Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward (2022). Interorganizational relations. In Buhalis, Dimitrios (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISSN 9781800377479. p. 774–776. doi: 10.4337/9781800377486.interorganizational.relations.
  • Moradlou, Hamid; Boffelli, Albachiara; Benstead, Amy; Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward & Khayyam, Sanaa (2022). Location decisions and their implications on efficiency and flexibility during pandemics .
  • Halpern, Nigel; Budd, Thomas; Bråthen, Svein; Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward & Suau-Sanchez, Pere (2022). Presentation for the industry partner Avinor on NRF project number 283349: Digital capabilities and passenger benefits of a seamless and resilient Norwegian airport system.
  • Halpern, Nigel; Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward; Bråthen, Svein; Suau-Sanchez, Pere & Budd, Thomas (2022). NFR Project No. 283349: Digital capabilities and passenger benefits of a seamless and resilient Norwegian airport system.
  • Oksnes, Isabel Våge; Nujen, Bella B. & Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward (2021). Relocation of Second Degree: Social and Environmental Impacts.
  • Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward; Halpern, Nigel; Budd, Thomas; Suau-Sanchez, Pere & Bråthen, Svein (2021). Privacy concerns and customer’s willingness to share personal data.
  • Benstead, Amy; Boffelli, Albachiara; Moradlou, Hamid & Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward (2021). Entering the world behind the clothes that we wear: practical applications of blockchain technology .
  • Moradlou, Hamid; Benstead, Amy; Boffelli, Albachiara; Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward & Khayyam, Sanaa (2021). Can location decisions provide operational ambidexterity to achieve efficiency and flexibility in global pandemics? .
  • Halpern, Nigel; Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward; Budd, Thomas; Suau-Sanchez, Pere & Bråthen, Svein (2021). Segmentation of passenger preferences to support investment and customer experience planning at airports.
  • Halpern, Nigel; Suau-Sanchez, Pere; Budd, Thomas; Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward & Bråthen, Svein (2021). Traveller opinions about Covid-19 and air travel.
  • Nujen, Bella B.; Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward & Kvadsheim, Nina Pereira (2021). Relocation of second degree: Sustainability aspects in location decisions.
  • Nujen, Bella B.; Solli-Sæther, Hans; Van Oorschot, Kim & Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward (2020). The Double-Edged Dynamics of Post-acquisition Integration .
  • Halpern, Nigel; Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward; Suau-Sanchez, Pere; Budd, Thomas & Bråthen, Svein (2020). Segmentation of traveler preferences for using digital technologies at airports.
  • Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward; Kvadsheim, Nina Pereira & Nujen, Bella (2020). Exploring the role of purchasing and supply management in the adoption of circular economy business models.
  • Halpern, Nigel; Budd, Thomas; Suau-Sanchez, Pere; Bråthen, Svein & Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward (2020). Increased demand for technology at airports. Samferdsel. ISSN 0332-8988.
  • Kvadsheim, Nina Pereira; Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward & Emblemsvåg, Jan (2019). Examining circular economy business models for engineer-to-order products.
  • Halpern, Nigel; Budd, Thomas; Suau-Sanchez, Pere; Bråthen, Svein & Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward (2019). Towards Airport 4.0: Airport Digital Maturity and Transformation.
  • Halpern, Nigel & Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward (2018). Effect of individual service components on overall airport experience.
  • Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward (2018). Does partner’s irreplaceability lead to firm’s acquiescence in tourism interfirm exchanges? Yes, but perceived distributive fairness does even more.
  • Halpern, Nigel & Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward (2018). Power relations between inbound adventure tour operators in Tanzania and their overseas outbound partners.
  • Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward (2015). Customer complaints in online brand communities: Netnographic study of the potential triggers and consequences.
  • Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward (2024). Enhancing the assessment of business students’ learning in the era of ChatGPT : using videos as stimuli in assignments . Molde University College - Specialized University in Logistics. ISSN 978-82-7962-360-1.
  • Andersen, Terje Lauvaas; Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward & Svenning, Geir Arne (2023). Hvilken type kompetanse og kunnskap trengs for å lykkes med grønne offentlige anskaffelser i samferdselsprosjekt? . Høgskolen i Molde - Vitenskapelig høgskole i logistikk. ISSN 978-82-7962-356-4.
  • Halpern, Nigel; Budd, Thomas; Suau-Sanchez, Pere; Bråthen, Svein & Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward (2020). Infographic on digital passenger preferences at airports in Norway [Brief]. [Ukjent].
  • Halpern, Nigel; Budd, Thomas; Suau-Sanchez, Pere; Bråthen, Svein & Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward (2020). Infographic on social and ethical concerns for digital technologies at airports in Norway [Brief]. [Ukjent].
  • Halpern, Nigel; Budd, Thomas; Suau-Sanchez, Pere; Bråthen, Svein & Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward (2020). Infographic on digital passenger preferences at airports in Norway [Brief] . [Ukjent].
  • Halpern, Nigel; Budd, Thomas; Suau-Sanchez, Pere; Bråthen, Svein & Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward (2020). Infographic on digital technologies at Avinor airports [Brief]. [Ukjent].
  • Halpern, Nigel; Budd, Thomas; Suau-Sanchez, Pere; Bråthen, Svein & Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward (2020). Infographic on digital technologies at airports [Brief]. [Ukjent].
  • Halpern, Nigel; Budd, Thomas; Suau-­Sanchez, Pere; Bråthen, Svein & Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward (2020). Survey on Digital Maturity and Transformation at Avinor Airports. Kristiania University College.
  • Halpern, Nigel; Budd, Thomas; Suau-­Sanchez, Pere; Bråthen, Svein & Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward (2020). Survey on Airport Digital Maturity and Transformation. Kristiania University College.
  • Halpern, Nigel; Budd, Thomas; Suau-Sanchez, Pere; Bråthen, Svein & Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward (2020). Survey on passenger preferences and opinions regarding digital technologies at airports in Norway. Kristiania University College.
  • Mwesiumo, Deodat Edward (2019). Conflicts, detailed contracts, and acquiescence in tourism interfirm exchanges. Molde University College - Specialized University in Logistics. ISSN 978-82-7962-261-1.

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Published Sep. 3, 2018 3:59 PM - Last modified Feb. 8, 2024 9:43 AM