Hildegunn Sundal

Faculty of Health Sciences and Social Care
Norwegian version of this page Position
Associate Professor
Study place
Office nr.

Work areas

Associate professor for the second year of the Master’s in Health and Social Sciences, including acting as a lecturer and supervisor and being responsible for the workshop component of the course

• Associate professor at the PhD in Health and Social Sciences: Professional Practice, Conditions, and Development

• Associate professor for the PhD course “Deepening in qualitative research methods”

• Associate professor for the Bachelor of Nursing, with an emphasis on pediatric nursing, supervision, and examination of bachelor theses (concluded 2022)

• Leader of the research group “Interaction with vulnerable groups from a phenomenological perspective”

Subject areas

Nursing, various topics

• Pediatric nursing

• Historical and contemporary perspectives on parents and children in hospital

• Foucault’s perspective

• Phenomenology

• Qualitative methodology

• Ethics


1977: Registered nurse, National Association and Møre og Romsdal nursing school, Molde

1980: Exam philosophicum, University of Bergen

1981: Psychology, first year, University of Bergen

2000: Nursing science, first year, University of Bergen

1992: Practical pedagogical seminar, Volda University College

1993: Special education, Norwegian distance education

1998: Cand. San. Master’s in Health Sciences, University of Bergen

2004: To be a researcher to participate. Conversation and knowledge acquisition through qualitative methods, Norwegian School of Agriculture, (Norges Landbruksskole), Ås

2006: Research course, sensibility, and knowledge. “Philosophy of the health sciences and scientific theory”, Oslo University College

2006: Course in theory of science: UVIT800, University of Oslo

2008: Basic course in medicine and health research, University of Bergen

2014: Dr. Philos. University in Bergen. Associate Professor.

2016: Deepening in quantitative research methods and mixed methods, Molde University College

2023: The 5th WNGER II Doctoral Supervision Seminar, University of Bergen

2023: WNGERII PhD course: Qualitative metasynthesis for PhD candidates and PhD supervisors, University of Bergen

Research and development work

Master’s degree, 1998

Master’s thesis: Children in hospital. A phenomenological study of the mothers’ experiences of being admitted to hospital together with their children.

PhD, 2014

PhD thesis: Inclusion and exclusion of parents in the care of hospitalized children. The analyses were both historical and contemporary and based on Norwegian nursing textbooks, pictures, literature, and other documents from the period 1877–2013, and interviews and observations with parents and nurses were conducted at a children’s ward in 2007.

Responsible for presentations in a parallel session at The International Human Research Conference - IHSRC 2009 at Molde University College.

Member of the scientific committee for The International Human Research Conference IHSRC-2019 at Molde University College and responsible for presentations in a parallel session during the conference.

Research group membership:

• Leader of the research group “Interaction with vulnerable groups from a phenomenological perspective”

• Affiliated with the Health Professional Scandinavian Phenomenological Network

• Collaboration with the corresponding phenomenological research group at the University of Bergen

• Part of the praxeological environment at the University of Bergen, doing research using Bourdieu and Foucault perspectives.

• Nursing; Research and Professional Development

• Children, childhood, and everyday life

Completed research projects:

• Inclusion and exclusion of parents in the care of hospitalized children in a historical and contemporary context (concluded) 

• Children admitted to hospital - Collaboration between nurse and parents (concluded)

• Children with asthma (concluded)

• Students’ experiences with “Project children” as a pedagogical teaching program in pediatric nursing, Bachelor's degree in Nursing (concluded)

• Vulnerability in the face of illness (concluded)

• Nursing students’ benefits from studying abroad (concluded)

Ongoing research projects:

• Students’ experiences with pediatric nursing, Bachelor’s in Nursing

• Being hospitalized as a child without parents

• National emphasis on children’s nursing in nursing education

• Early detection of worsening clinical conditions at home

• Healthcare personnel’s experiences with incident analysis as a quality preparatory method for learning after serious unwanted incidents. A qualitative exploratory evaluation study

Supervision projects:

  • Early detection of worsening clinical conditions at home (PhD project)
  • Healthcare personnel’s experiences with incident analysis as a quality preparatory method for learning after serious unwanted incidents. An exploratory evaluation study (PhD project)
  • Doctors’ interactions with nurses when nurses report high NEWS in patients in hospital wards (concluded) 
  • When the patient has children (Master’s project) (concluded)
  • Nurse anesthetists’ experiences using the checklist for safe surgery (Master’s project) (concluded)
  • Experiences nurses have with sexual attention from patients in nursing homes (Master’s project) (concluded)
  •  Intensive care nurses’ experiences with the use of sevoflurane and isoflurane administered via AnaConDa as inhalation-sedation for ventilator patients in the intensive care unit (Master’s project) (concluded)
  • Relatives in case of death at home – Living with the responsibility (Master’s project) (concluded)
  • Meetings of child welfare staff with children aged 0–3 years who are vulnerable to violence and abuse (master project) (concluded)
  • Educators’ experiences with the psychosocial environment in kindergarten for children with challenging behavior (Master’s project) (concluded)
  • A qualitative study on encounters between healthcare personnel and patients with severe pain in everyday life (Master’s project) (concluded)
  • Teachers’ experiences with multilingual pupils in ordinary classes in primary school (Master’s project) (concluded)
  • Preliminary interviews with patients with dementia in nursing homes – A phenomenological study (Master’s project) (concluded)
  • Women (aged 50+) with alcohol use disorder and psychological problems (Rop disorder) – A qualitative study (Master’s project) (concluded)
  • Intensive care nurses’ experiences with ending life-prolonging patient care (Master’s project)
  • Intensive care nurses’ experience of coping when receiving acutely critically ill patients in the intensive care unit (Master’s project)

Scientific presentations:


• International Human Science Research Conference, IHSRC, Molde, Norway: Hospitalized children - Collaboration between parents and nurse. 28th International Human Science Research Conference


• International Human Science Research Conference, IHSRC, Seattle, USA: Panel presentation: Vulnerable groups’ experiences as basis for health care interactions.

• International Human Science Research Conference, IHSRC, Seattle, USA: Hospitalized children – How do parents and nurses experience their collaboration?


• International Human Science Research Conference, IHSRC, Jelenia Gora, Poland: Vulnerability as otherness in chronic illness.


• International Human Science Research Conference, IHSRC, Spartanburg, South Carolina, USA: Living with allergy and asthma: A qualitative study of children, aged 8–12 years, and their experiences of life.


• International Human Science Research Conference, IHSRC, Molde, Norway: Challenging procedure situations in hospitals – Caring between encouraging the child’s receptiveness and coercing the child.


• International Human Science Research Conference, IHSRC. New York, USA: International clinical placement as nursing students in a pediatric ward - Registered nurses’ experiences.

• The Fjord conferences: Nursing benefits from clinical studies as a nursing student in a children’s ward in a low-income country.


• International Human Science Research Conference, IHSRC, Tokyo, Japan: The significance for adult life - When children have been hospitalized without their parents.

 Research groups

• Children, childhood, and everyday life

• Interaction with vulnerable groups from a phenomenological perspective

• Nursing; Research and professional development


  • Sundal, Hildegunn & Alteren, Johanne (2024). Lack of hands-on competence in future paediatric nursing : examining student nurses’ paediatric competence after graduation – a hermeneutic study. Nordic journal of nursing research. ISSN 2057-1585. 44. doi: 10.1177/20571585241252880.
  • Vasset, Frøydis Perny; Ulvund, Ingeborg & Sundal, Hildegunn (2024). Methods to learn clinical pediatric nursing for nurse students. In David, Liliana (Eds.), Nursing studies : a path to success. IntechOpen. ISSN 978-0-85466-244-9. doi: 10.5772/intechopen.1004207.
  • Lorentzen, Isabelle Lindseth & Sundal, Hildegunn (2024). Nurse anesthetists’ experience with the Safe surgery Checklist. Inspira – tidsskrift for anestesi-, operasjon- og intensivsykepleiere. ISSN 0809-9707. 19(1), p. 1–16. doi: 10.23865/inspira.v19.5436.
  • Liepelt, Silje; Sundal, Hildegunn & Kirchhoff, Ralf (2023). Team experiences of the root cause analysis process after a sentinel event : a qualitative case study. BMC Health Services Research. ISSN 1472-6963. 23. doi: 10.1186/s12913-023-10178-3. Full text in Research Archive
  • Sundal, Hildegunn (2023). Home-like care: Collaboration between parents and nurses in everyday situations when children are hospitalized. Journal of Child Health Care. ISSN 1367-4935. p. 1–13. doi: 10.1177/13674935221149778.
  • Sundal, Hildegunn & Vasset, Frøydis Perny (2022). Project-based learning in pediatric nursing. Klinisk Sygepleje. ISSN 0902-2767. 36(4), p. 240–252. doi: 10.18261/ks.36.4.3.
  • Ulvund, Ingeborg; Dadi, Gezahegn Bekele & Sundal, Hildegunn (2022). Nurses benefit from international clinical placement as nurse students : a qualitative study. Nurse Education Today. ISSN 0260-6917. 121(February), p. 1–6. doi: 10.1016/j.nedt.2022.105663.
  • Sundal, Hildegunn & Ulvund, Ingeborg (2022). Experiences after international clinical placement as nursing students in a paediatric ward. Nurse Education in Practice. ISSN 1471-5953. 66(January), p. 1–5. doi: 10.1016/j.nepr.2022.103512.
  • Orseth, Wenche & Sundal, Hildegunn (2021). Intensivsykepleiernes erfaringer med teoretisk og praktisk opplæring for å gjennomføre inhalasjonssedering til respiratorpasienter i intensivavdelingen. Inspira – tidsskrift for anestesi-, operasjon- og intensivsykepleiere. ISSN 0809-9707. 16(1), p. 1–15. doi: 10.23865/inspira.v16.2939. Full text in Research Archive
  • Sundal, Hildegunn & Lykkeslet, Else (2020). «Sometimes falling out of normal life» : a qualitative study of children and their experiences with a life with allergy and asthma. Nordisk sygeplejeforskning. ISSN 1892-2678. 10(3), p. 213–222. doi: 10.18261/issn.1892-2686-2020-03-07.
  • Sundal, Hildegunn (2020). Children's co-determination during challenging procedures : nurses and parents experiences of caring under short-term hospital stays in Norway. Journal of Pediatric Nursing : Nursing Care of Children and Families. ISSN 0882-5963. 57(March–April), p. e34–e39. doi: 10.1016/j.pedn.2020.09.018. Full text in Research Archive
  • Synnes, Oddgeir; Orøy, Aud Jorun; Råheim, Målfrid; Bachmann, Liv; Ekra, Else Mari Ruberg & Gjengedal, Eva [Show all 12 contributors for this article] (2020). Finding ways to carry on : stories of vulnerability in chronic illness. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being. ISSN 1748-2623. 15(1), p. 1–13. doi: 10.1080/17482631.2020.1819635. Full text in Research Archive
  • Sundal, Hildegunn & Vatne, Solfrid (2020). Parents’ and nurses’ ideal collaboration in treatment-centered and home-like care of hospitalized preschool children : a qualitative study. BMC Nursing. ISSN 1472-6955. 19, p. 1–10. doi: 10.1186/s12912-020-00445-7. Full text in Research Archive
  • Sundal, Hildegunn & Lykkeslet, Else (2019). Hospitalized children : parents' and nurses' collaboration in procedural situations. Pediatric Nursing. ISSN 0097-9805. 45(4), p. 174–179.
  • Sundal, Hildegunn; Petersen, Karin Anna & Boge, Jeanne Helene (2019). Exclusion and inclusion of parents of hospitalized children in Norway in the period 1877–2017. BMC Nursing. ISSN 1472-6955. 18(6). doi: 10.1186/s12912-019-0330-6. Full text in Research Archive
  • Sundal, Hildegunn; Petersen, Karin Anna & Boge, Jeanne Helene (2018). Parents perform most of the care when children have short-term stays in hospitals. Klinisk Sygepleje. ISSN 0902-2767. 32(2), p. 80–93. doi: 10.18261/issn.1903-2285-2018-02-02.
  • Sundal, Hildegunn; Petersen, Karin Anna & Boge, Jeanne Helene (2016). Fra 1960-tallet har det blitt forventet at foreldre skal være inkludert i pleien av barn på sykehus. Barn – forskning om barn og barndom i Norden. ISSN 0800-1669. 34(3), p. 23–37. doi: 10.5324/barn.v34i3.3626.
  • Boge, Jeanne Helene; Storum, Hilde; Sundal, Hildegunn; Callewaert, Staf & Petersen, Karin Anna (2016). Muligheter og begrensninger ved analyser av sykepleiepraktikker i et Foucault-perspektiv . Klinisk Sygepleje. ISSN 0902-2767. 30(1), p. 31–44. doi: 10.18261/issn.1903-2285-2016-01-04.
  • Sundal, Hildegunn; Petersen, Karin Anna & Boge, Jeanne Helene (2015). Thoughts on the exclusion of parents of hospitalized children in nursing. Nordisk tidsskrift for helseforskning. ISSN 1504-3614. 11(2), p. 76–85. doi: 10.7557/14.3713. Full text in Research Archive
  • Gjengedal, Eva; Ekra, Else Mari Ruberg; Hol, Hege Bente; Kjelsvik, Marianne; Lykkeslet, Else & Michaelsen, Ragnhild K A [Show all 11 contributors for this article] (2013). Vulnerability in health care – reflections on encounters in every day practice. Nursing Philosophy. ISSN 1466-7681. 14(2), p. 127–138. doi: 10.1111/j.1466-769X.2012.00558.x.
  • Sundal, Hildegunn (2001). "Mors" uklare rolle når barnet er innlagt i sjukehus Unclear maternal roles when children are hospitalized? Vård i Norden. ISSN 0107-4083. 21(3), p. 39–42.

View all works in Cristin

  • Sundal, Hildegunn (2023). The significance for adult life – When children have been hospitalized without their parents.
  • Sundal, Hildegunn; Ulvund, Ingeborg; Orøy, Aud Jorun & Alteren, Johanne (2023). 35 forskere deltok på helsefaglig fenomenologi-seminar på Molde campus. Panorama : nettavis for Høgskolen i Molde.
  • Ulvund, Ingeborg & Sundal, Hildegunn (2022). Sykepleieres utbytte av kliniske studier som sykepleierstudent på en barneavdeling i et lavinntektsland.
  • Sundal, Hildegunn & Ulvund, Ingeborg (2022). International clinical placement as nursing students in a paediatric ward - registered nurses’ experiences.
  • Foldøy, Reidun Elise; Sundal, Hildegunn & Bergersen, Ida (2022). Var alene på sykehus som barn: - Det føltes utrygt. [Internet]. kk.no.
  • Reitan, Laila Solli & Sundal, Hildegunn (2019). Sykepleiers erfaring med NEWS som scorings verktøy på sengepost for å oppdage pasienter med tidlig forverret sykdomstilstand .
  • Sundal, Hildegunn (2019). Challenging procedure situations in hospitals - caring between encouraging the child’s receptiveness and coercing the child .
  • Reitan, Laila Solli & Sundal, Hildegunn (2019). Nurse`s experiences with NEWS as a tool in early recognition of deterioration: “Before we didn`t count respiratory frequency" .
  • Reitan, Laila Solli & Sundal, Hildegunn (2018). «Sykepleierens erfaring med verktøyet NEWS i tidlig oppdagelse av forverret tilstand. Er NEWS bare et tall?» .
  • Sundal, Hildegunn & Hernæs, Nina (2018). Det var helt vanlig at barn lå alene på sykehus. [Business/trade/industry journal]. Sykepleien.no.
  • Sundal, Hildegunn & Lykkeslet, Else (2018). Living with allergy and asthma : a qualitative study of children, aged 8-12 years, and their experiences of life.
  • Gjengedal, Eva; Bachmann, Liv; Ekra, Else Mari Ruberg; Høye, Magnhild Mjåvatn; Jørgensen, Else & Lykkeslet, Else [Show all 12 contributors for this article] (2017). Vulnerability as an existential challenge in chronic illness : a balance between self and others.
  • Sundal, Hildegunn (2017). Barn på sykehus i historisk perspektiv.
  • Sundal, Hildegunn (2016). Vil «fleksible sengeområde» ivareta syke barn i det nye sjukehuset? Romsdals Budstikke.. ISSN 0806-5160.
  • Sundal, Hildegunn (2014). Doktorgrader : Hildegunn Sundal disputerte 30. mai 2014 for doktorgraden ved Universitetet i Bergen, Det medisinsk-odontologise fakultet. Nordvestsykepleieren : medlemsblad for Møre og Romsdal. 16(2).
  • Sundal, Hildegunn & Waagbø, Arild Johan (2014). Fikk ikke pleie sine barn. [Newspaper]. Panorama.himolde.no.
  • Sundal, Hildegunn (2014). Då sjukehusa slapp foreldra inn. [Newspaper]. Morgenbladet.
  • Sundal, Hildegunn (2014). Viktige foreldre : gir avlastning for pleierne når barn er på sjukehus. [Newspaper]. Romsdals budstikke.
  • Sundal, Hildegunn; Lykkeslet, Else; Gjengedal, Eva & Blåka, Gunnhild (2010). Hospitalized children – How do parents and nurses experience their collaboration? In Krycka, Kevin C (Eds.), 29th International Human Science Research Conference : Giving Voice to Experience. Seattle University, August 4-8, 2010. Seattle University College of Arts and Sciences. p. 66–67.
  • Gjengedal, Eva; Lykkeslet, Else; Orøy, Aud Jorunn; Michaelsen, Ragnhild K A; Sundal, Hildegunn & Skrondal, Torill Helene [Show all 8 contributors for this article] (2010). Vulnerable groups’ experiences as basis for health care interaction. In Krycka, Kevin C (Eds.), 29th International Human Science Research Conference : Giving Voice to Experience. Seattle University, August 4-8, 2010. Seattle University College of Arts and Sciences. p. 17–17.
  • Sundal, Hildegunn (2009). Hospitalized children - collaboration between parents and nurse.
  • Sundal, Hildegunn; Boge, Jeanne Helene & Petersen, Karin Anna (2014). Inclusion and exclusion of parents care of children hospitalized The analyzes are historical and contemporary and has basis in Norwegian textbooks in nursing, pictures, literature and other documents from period 1877-2013, and interviews and observations with parents and Nurses at a children's section in 2007 . Universitetet i Bergen. ISSN 978-82-308-2900-4.
  • Bakken, Hege; Sundal, Hildegunn & Valla, Astrid (2000). "Prosjekt barn". Kommunikasjon med og om barnet - som pasient i sykehus uten egen barneavdeling: en studie av pårørendes opplevelser ved å ha barnet sitt som pasient ved Fylkessykehuset i Molde. Fylkessykehuset i Molde.
  • Sundal, Hildegunn (1998). Barn på sykehus : ein fenomenologisk studie av kva røynsler mødrer har av å vere innlagt i sjukehus saman med barna sine. Universitetet i Bergen.

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Published Sep. 3, 2018 3:03 PM - Last modified Jan. 17, 2024 9:05 PM