Disputation: Rebecca Glavee-Geo

Rebecca Glavee-Geo will be defending her thesis for the PhD degree in Logistics at Molde University College. The title of the thesis is "Managing Transaction Cost Escalation in Public Sector Procurement: An Empirical Study of Ghana"

Rebecca Glavee-Geo. Photo: Private.

Rebecca Glavee-Geo.  Photo: Private.

The defence is now closed. We are happy to announce that the committee now has approved the defence. Our congratulatons to Rebecca!

    Time and place:

    • Trial Lecture: Thursday, 18 June, 15.15 NB! Please notice late start
    • PhD Defense: Thursday, 18 June, 17.15 NB! Please notice late start

    Trial Lecture Title:

    “Discuss the key differences between private and public procurement within theory and empirical research, and implications for suppliers delivering to both sectors”

    Adjudication committee

    Chair of defence

    Professor Harald M. Hjelle, Molde University College, Faculty of Logistics


    Professor Emeritus Arnt Buvik, Molde University College, Faculty of Logistics 

    Additional information

    About the thesis:

    Public sector procurement plays an important role in the acquisition and provision of goods, works and services. It accounts for 15% of the world's gross domestic product (GDP). The benefits of public procurement can be eroded due to high transaction cost, hence the need to manage its escalation. 

    The thesis examine transaction cost in public procurement contracting. The thesis looked at factors that influence the transaction cost during the execution of a public-private procurement contract and elaborates measures that help in managing the escalation of the transaction cost in public procurement contracting process. It highlights the inter-organizational relationships between public procurement practitioners and suppliers. The study formulated a research model that links transaction cost theory variables and procedural justice to transaction cost. The model was tested empirically based on cross-sectional survey data from 156 public procurement practitioners in Ghana. The result showed product complexity and information asymmetry increases transaction cost. The results also highlight the important role of procedural justice (fairness) in reducing transaction cost as well as mediating the association between formal contracting and transaction cost in public-private procurement  contracting.

    The study contributes to the extant literature considering there is limited theoretical and empirical research on the use of transaction cost in public procurement research. Through the application of transaction cost model in a developing economy setting, the study highlights the theoretical and managerial implications that should be of interest to researchers, public procurement practitioners and policymakers.

    Rebecca Glavee-Geo (age 50) comes from Ghana and is now living in Ålesund. She holds a BSc. in Public Administration from the University of Ghana in 2003, a Master of Philosophy (MPhil.) in Public Administration and Organization Theory from the University of Bergen in 2006 and a Master of Science (MSc.) in Logistics from Molde University College in 2012. During her PhD-studies, Rebecca has been financed as a scholarship holder at Molde University College, Specialized University in Logistics.

    Questions «Ex Auditorio»

    • Anyone who would like to ask questions to the candidate "Ex auditorio" will have to notify the chair of the defence by sending an email with the heading “Ex Auditorio” before 19.00 hours (CET). E-mail: harald.hjelle@himolde.no
    • The email should state the question to be asked, and your name and phone number
    • You will then be allowed to ask the question by phone after the committee’s examination.
    Published June 4, 2020 2:55 PM - Last modified June 18, 2020 7:40 PM