Disputation: Homayoun Shaabani

Homayoun Shaabani holds his trial lecture and defends his Ph.D. thesis "Multi-product maritime inventory routing problems" at Molde University College - Specialized University in Logistic

Picture of Homayoun Shaabani

Homayoun Shaabani holds his trial lecture and defends his Ph.D. thesis.  Photo: HiMolde

Trial lecture - time and place

The trial lecture starts at 10.15 in room B-137

The title of the trial lecture is "Combining optimization and simulation for handling uncertainty in maritime logistics."

>Live stream of the trial lecture

>Live stream of the defence

Adjudication committee

Chair of defence

Professor Harald Marin Hjelle, Faculty of Logistics, Molde University College


Additional information

This dissertation examines two of the logistical drivers of the supply chain, inventory and transportation, in the context of the inventory routing problem (IRP). The IRP is built upon the connection between inventory management and transportation decisions. It involves determining the optimal routing of vehicles while keeping required inventory levels and satisfying customer demand which helps minimize stockouts and reduce transportation costs. Efficient IRP solutions ensure the timely availability of products to meet customer demand and enable businesses to improve their competitiveness.

Homayoun Shaabani (32) comes from Iran. He holds a BSc in Industrial Engineering from Karaj Azad University in Iran (2012) and an MSc in Industrial Engineering from the University of Kurdistan in Iran (2014). While pursuing his PhD, Shaabani worked as a PhD Research Fellow at Molde University College.

Published Sep. 5, 2023 9:22 AM - Last modified Sep. 11, 2023 1:56 PM