Elections at Molde University College

There are several elections every year at Molde University College. The Electoral Board organizes elections to the University College Board, the faculty boards, as well as rector elections. 


Faculty Board Elections 

There are elections for the Faculty Boards every two years. Staff members are elected every two years, while students are elected for one year at a time. 

The Board at Molde University College

Staff members are elected to the board every four years. The period follows the rector's period. The next election to the board will be held in spring 2027 for the term 1. August 2027 – 31. July 2031. Students are elected to the board every year. The election of students takes place every spring semester.


The rector and vice-rector are elected every four years. The next rector's election will be in the spring of 2027.

Digital Elections

All elections at Molde University College are held digitally. We use "e-valg" to hold elections. You log on to e-valg using your Feide-account. 

Log on to eValg

In e-valg you can:

  • Vote in the elections in which you have the right to vote
  • Get an overview of upcoming, ongoing and held elections
  • Get an overview of which elections you have the right to vote in
  • As long as the election is open, it is possible to change the ballot, if change your mind.
  • If you are listed in the wrong census, you can still vote. Your vote will then be processed by the Electoral Board at the election settlement


Election Regulations for Molde University College (in norwegian)

Contact information

Any questions? Get in touch with The Electoral Board at valg@himolde.no 

Published Feb. 27, 2024 10:27 AM - Last modified June 25, 2024 10:37 AM